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Emailed CBI Cyber Crime Cell article
5th March 2015: Do you wonder what are the Indian mothers putting into children in general that they're making the society and environment like this? Please see the filth in open, level of pollution and bad condition of public infrastructure around here considering what human can seem to do in general. Do you wonder how are the Indian mothers getting affected that their children are becoming like this that they aren't conducting such a crucial survey according to Economic Times.
Indian girls and women who aren't having proper nutrition and much worse who're taking in harmful to severely harmful chemicals in air, water, food, land and products might later produce children from their tissues and also milk for them and then what would happen to mind and body of those children and then what would they do. Please care about nutrition.
Is that also why the top leadership of Infosys seems to be moving to Silicon Valley so that they can give much better air and other things to themselves and their families which is a human thinking if they can't even know the pollution level around them in major parts of India.
How can mother's milk quality affect people over the years and how does severely harmful pollution and other things affect mother's milk?
We're neither Indian sadak ke suar (street pig) nor jungle ke sher (forest tiger) but human. It's great that we can share such things to try and improve our conditions.
I just read an Economics Times news that No nutrition survey in India in last 10 years.
I also read
Regarding Infosys news I mention above, you can read more in my Career Partner - Jeevia Socii LinkedIn article
14th March 2015: A Dec. 22, 2014 Bloomberg report on maternal health in India puts the country at the 137th spot out of 178 countries. But perhaps more shocking is the amount woman pay in bribes to receive that as reported by Save the Children in the G-20 of the ‘Mothers’ Index.”
6th March 2015: Seniors with fastest aging brains have worst physical fitness
Seniors in the best physical condition tend to have the best mental abilities. The latest research finds those with poor physical fitness in their 40s may have lower brain volumes at age 60.
This is an indication of accelerated brain aging, according to new information presented at the American Heart Association EPI/Lifestyle 2015 meeting.
26th January 2015: Countless studies link sleep deprivation to dangerous diseases like obesity, a weakened immune system and even an increased risk for death.
Good-Quality Sleep When Young Helps Memory Later In Life, Study Says.
"It's the difference between investing up front rather than trying to compensate later," study author Michael K. Scullin of the Baylor University Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory said in a statement.
25th January 2015: Obama-Modi, USA-India, Atithi Devo Bhav - 'The guest is equivalent to God'
20th January 2014: Will India make this record? "In 15 yrs, India may have most diabetics in world: Docs" How many such records have been made by India? Do you invest in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries?
You can read about fat, carbohydrate and more in the BLOGS menu. You can see exercise videos in the VIDEOS menu.
19th January 2014: My aunt is scolding the maid that yesterday she didn't clean her washroom properly and there's white white powder on the floor. I then thought about Indians growing up drinking milk and having milk products that how their milk quality has affected the highly unfortunate situation of Indian street dogs around them? Did you ever wonder about it?
My aunt fears dogs including as pets and had told me earlier that walking on the road in front of apartment complex during late night can be unsafe due to street dogs. Several of her family stays in US and her mother gets great and expensive care from there and is even going there for a year after some days. My aunt also wishes to move there with her family perhaps also to feel human like she wants to because here she can share such things with me but can she really get all the Indians street dogs removed from around her so that she can enjoy much more freely her society and environment?
Do you think IIT'ians move abroad even right after graduation also because of the Indian street dogs that they see throughout the years and think that even after so many humans in India, the Indian street dogs are still around and in such condition making it not only highly unfortunate for animals but also for humans. I would think that animals like dogs can either be pets in urban areas or not be in urban areas because it doesn't seem like a natural environment for them. Several of my aunt's relatives are IIT'ians who're now in the US and doing well to very well and even funding work in India but they seem to primarily stay abroad. Of course, IITs are considered top-quality in India and so do you think that by people doing things in India that the IIT'ians move abroad that the others can also get much better work opportunities? It's great to have Indians around our world doing well to very well.
My aunt's three bedroom apartment has rent of around 40K a month which is very high for most Indians. It has boards that say that dog feces can contain germs and be harmful and so to clean up if the dog poops inside the apartment complex or else there's a 1000 INR fine. I've seen people make their dogs poop on the road in front of the apartment complex on which several people also walk. Do you wonder that why almost everywhere unless perhaps it's a highly posh area that there are Indian street dogs? How has the milk of Indians affected this in general?
I've also shared the above in my LinkedIn article "IIT, IIM... people speak"
27th December 2014: India’s eating habits may have changed, but not nutrition levels
A top nutritionist in India told me that Indian males have been reducing in masculine characteristics due to estrogen being used in chemicals on farmlands to reduce the growth of rats. Who in India told you this?
Small Fat Suar (Pig) jaisa (like), Big Fit Sher (Tiger) jaisa or Insaan (Human) jaisa food? And what about harmful chemicals in air, water, food and land?
26th December 2014: Healthy men who did 20 minutes of daily weight training had less increase in age-related abdominal fat than men who spent the same amount of time doing aerobic activities, according to a new study by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers and colleagues.
Combining weight training and aerobic activity led to the most optimal results. Aerobic exercise by itself was associated with less weight gain compared with weight training.
11th December 2014: I let go of a project including to not rot my client and myself how the many Indians might be rotting in terms of wasting time like on the roads like I see in Bangalore. I've heard from several people in the few days that I've been here about the huge traffic problem here that they generally prefer to do things nearby to avoid traffic. Do you wonder how else the Indians could be rotting like due to the severely harmful pollution? Also, do you wonder that when mother is Indian then on average how much badboo (bad smell) comes from the children due to harmful chemicals in air, water, food and land? I shared about not doing the client's project as latest update on
20th November 2014: Jiski maa sadak ki suarni, woh jungle ke sher ki tarah nahi jeeta hai, insaan se to koi comparison hi nahi.
While returning from gym, an auto-driver who has a stand nearby saw me on the road and asked me that he doesn't see me these days. Then I thought of what another auto-driver told me recently.
Few days ago, I had taken an auto from Vaishali (Delhi metro) station. I had asked the driver that since when he was driving auto in this area because he knew the area well as he was talking to me about it.
He had then said that only for some months here, however, he has been driving auto for some years. He left his previous place because there the police used to take a lot of money.
I thought that today this auto-driver is asking me that he doesn't see me these days and perhaps he would also move over the years. The drivers at the stand had told me that they also pay some monthly amount to the police. I don't know if they lied to me or what. I do wish that the police get the best of everything including pay which would also affect mother's milk because the chemicals in air, water, food and land would also affect girls. I wish us best!!!
16th November 2014: Some yoga trainer wrote to me:
Why dont like people your post and any information
Shakti Saran
dude get a life
and stop writing further
try to improve your family's conditions
and if you can't then at least yours
and don't write further wasting my time
what an idiotic thing to ask
do you know how many people i thanked today who liked my post
i don't get enough time to even thank them directly
and how many people have written or told me that they like what i'm doing
you could've asked something else
but what you wrote is idiotic
bbye blocked
Seen 3:17pm
14th November 2014: Indian doctors ke bachche bhi sad (rot) ho rahe honge kya?
I saw a lady doctor at some gym and went to her. I was wearing my anti-pollution mask. I showed her the mask and shared with her that children could be rotting a lot more now from harmful chemicals in air.
She said that she sees the same daily in children when they come coughing. I told her about the mask that some person of British origin in India has got this anti-pollution mask made using an air filter technology used by defense forces and imports it in India and I had bought it some years ago. I told her the name of mask which is Neomask.
Shortly after that, a German friend called who's now in India and just before I going to the gym, she and I had spoken and she had shared about how great the air is in Germany and that she's struggling with air here.
I also saw street dogs around and wondered jab maa sadak ki kutiya to uske bachche kya kar sakte hai uske liye jab woh sad rahi hogi from harmful chemicals in air, water, food and land aur jab maa jungle ki sherni to uske bachche ko to mostly iss level ke issues honge hi nahin. Insaan to kya nahi kar sakta hai. I wish us best!!!
21st August 2014: In 2010, Patrick Whaley (Georgia Tech graduate) won the InVenture Prize competition with a weighted workout shirt called TITIN. Four years later, TITIN has hit Hollywood.
14th August 2014: Full text: President Pranab Mukherjee's address to the nation - "What has gone wrong with us now?"
Only once he used the word wrong and I wish that it would make its impact. Best Wishes!!!
31st July 2014: We’re heading into a jobless future, no matter what the government does
My comment: This well thought out and written article doesn't mention about the number of humans in our world after a few decades.
Based on articles like about use of antibiotics in chickens in India and several others, it does seem possible that lots of people could get wiped out from earth soon and then the much fewer good enough humans could live in a lot more abundance. The machines would do an increasing amount of our work and that the humans would apply more of our seemingly infinite potential towards advancing the machines to the extent of they becoming one with the humans and that would help humans to also maximize the seemingly infinite potential of our universe overall for humanity.
I've thought increasingly related to this since the late 1990s and it's fantastic to read such an article. Of course, if more humans become good enough and not get wiped out then more of us can do a lot more for humanity.
In 1990s when I was starting college at Georgia Tech, I had thought of studying towards building myself in robotics. I had pursued a Computer Science degree with a variety of Mathematics and other courses. My interest in robotics had also come from interest in autonomous flying machines and ships and by looking at large machines with design issues for human operation when I stayed with a Director of a shipyard and the Director had valued my observations. Since then I've done a variety of things but little specifically related to robotics and I do wish to increasingly contribute also to and through machines. Best Wishes!!!
23rd July 2014: Jab India insaan banaye to ye to common hoye jaise ki high confidence in quality of air, water, food and land nahin to phir suar, sher aur doosre janwar to utne hi kabil hai.
During workout at gym, I got over with water and went to easyday in the mall to buy a bottle. However, there wasn't Kinley (Coca Cola) or Aquafina (Pepsi) but another brand (a popular name in India). I didn't buy that brand's water because someone who runs a printing company in India having top Indian and international brands as clients told me that he doesn't buy that brand but buys Kinley or Aquafina because of what he has heard about them in terms of quality. So I bought Gatorade even though it wasn't in the refrigerator. I worked out very well after that including for a long duration.
While walking back from gym, I saw an auto and took it to my place. When I reached my place, the driver asked me if I had water. I had a Tupperware (seems to be high quality plastic) bottle in hand and perhaps he couldn't clearly see in the dark that there was no water in it. I told him that I'll ask the security guards to get him water on which he responded as if he didn't want water from them because they might create an issue. I said that there'll be no issue and that I'll get him water from them.
I wondered about this auto driver's experience with people in general that he thought of avoiding to ask the security guards even though he was thirsty and had even dropped me there and so could've asked the guards. Perhaps it's similar to I avoiding a popular brand in India of water. Of course, in the worse case it could be better than non-filtered water in general, however, if I can get something better then why not. Of course, there would be people who would not only ask others but also fool and cheat others.
I requested the guards at the gate to give water to the driver and our night shift electrician was there who knows me for a while and he shared quickly with the driver about having water. Our security guards keep changing and I don't know them well. Once a guard had told me that he had had some issue and he needed money and then I had given it to him and soon after I had realized that he had left working at my complex and didn't return me that money. Others have also done similar to me and that with much larger amounts.
Some years ago when I had visited Canada then a person had taken me to a tap in a kitchen of a university and picked up a glass and drank water from it. The person had seen that I had bought a bottle of water and wanted to share with me that I can also drink straight from the tap. I was very impressed and highly thankful for that person's kindness to show me an option including to save my time and money.
When I read what several people in India are writing and saying related to issues then it seems to me that they're getting harmed, weaker and losing things in them that make them human. During workout at gym, some top actresses were dancing in songs on TV and I thought that when lots of people pay them for entertainment then they use that money to buy things of the best brands and go to the best places that they can. So people in general should do similar as they best can.
I've told my gym several times to hire someone who would keep racking the weights and that we've several people who can pay a bit more to hire such a person which would help us to do our workout better and to get a person a job. A trainer told me today that even in the US the celebrities also rack their weights. I don't know how correct it is what he said, however, I said that I'm in India and that I'm willing to pay for this service.
I've told them several times that let's ask members at least the weight section users if they're willing to pay a bit more to get a person to rack our weights and keep our floor cleaner overall. Perhaps, they can also do only so much and they don't want to take such things to the top management because of risking their jobs or perhaps they think that the top management wouldn't do anything about it. The trainer today also said something like that about people not having such thinking, however, I'm not exactly sure the things that he was saying.
I do wonder that how the many Indians feel about their health and fitness. Please see around and you might also wonder even if a bit given the quality of air, water, food and land and other things that we've created when we don't even have to research and develop much anything but just get and use them well for a much better level of things. I wish us best!!!
19th July 2014: Do you wish that you lived the best way a human could? Do you wish that you had the best friends a human could? If you had these then would you think to have lived an unbeatable life? I don't mean in terms of false ego or hatred of any others. I mean in terms of having maximized your human potential in our world and universe.
A top sports nutritionist of India shared that since it's made in Canada and hence whatever is written on the box will be correct because Canada will ensure that the company isn't cheating.
This is great confidence in him and perhaps also in many athletes and sports people of India about international products.
I've used a variety of supplement brands which I've found good to great for me. Today, I was going to buy some other protein brand from his shop, however, then I saw the CAN Core Athletic Nutrition PRO COMPOSITE box which says that PROTEIN STRUCTURE SIMILAR TO MOTHERS MILK, I bought it also because of that to give it a try.
I've written several times about Indian mother's milk quality in general that it could be getting harmed due to the harmful chemicals in air, water, food and land of those women.
Neither Indian suar (pig) nor sher (tiger) can test its milk for its children but humans can.Given our conditions, please share with women having babies to check their milk. I wish that it would be easy and affordable to do this test by everyone since we're humans and such things seem to already have been researched and developed by the best in our world. We've to just implement them including so that we don't start rotting people sincethey're babies and which could further worsen our conditions.
I think we should significantly improve the most critical things now so that our conditions in general aren't so bad. Regardless of the vehicles that we use or the restaurants that we go to, how do you think is the quality of air, water, vegetables, fruits, meat and other things being used in general? Do you think it's also because of the quality of people in general that we've such issues and the Indian mother's milk is affecting their quality since they're babies? Suaron ki bheed (Crowd of pigs) doesn't equal a sher (tiger) and shero ki bheed (crowd of tigers) doesn't equal a human. It's great we're human. I wish us best!
Generally, do you think that suar ko to kuch bhi kila pila do jo ki shayad sher ke saath na kaam kare aur woh sher hi na reh jaye to phir hum to insaan hai aur phir humhe apni hawa, khana aur paani mein kitna confidence hona chahiye? Humhe kya busy rakhta hai ki jo most critical things hai unki halat aisi hai? Suar, sher ya aur koi janwar to utna hi kar sakta lekin hum to insaan hai. Please share kare Indian mother aur sabke saath ki hum better products demand kare aur khareede. I wish us best!
(Generally, do you think that one can give whatever food and drinks to pig, however, which wouldn't work with tiger and then it wouldn't even remain tiger and that we're human and so how much confidence should we have in our air, food and water? What keeps us busy that the condition of the most critical things are like this? Pig, tiger and any other animal can only do so much, however, we're human. Please share with Indian mother and with all others that we demand and purchase better products. I wish us best!)
18th July 2014: Jab Indian ki maa banayegi suar to woh khayega kitna poor?
Sadak par sike bhutte ke barein mein soche ki kitne harmful chemicals uspar lage honge sikne ke pehle aur bad mein bhi khane ke pehle. Achcha hai ki hum insaan hai lekin phir bhi aise issues dekhte hai.
Hawa saaf ho to alag baat hai. Lekin aapke aas paas ki hawa kaisi hai? Wahan kitna pollution hai? Aur kaunse harmful chemicals hai jaise ki construction wale?
15th August 2014: (Please note that I'm canceling my Forever Living Products distributorship due to my experience with my sponsor and that due to FLP policy, I'm unable to easily change my sponsor for sure and I don't have time to keep trying to do that. I did find their products to be of value.)
16th July 2014: Amazing!!! Yesterday I spoke to relatives on phone who had marriage anniversary and my little nephew was saying about not ordering fried rice while they were going to a restaurant.
Today a short while ago when I was in washroom and then having Forever Living Products, I was thinking that when Indian mothers feed children then how do the children generally feel and become like and when I got on Facebook, I saw this message!!!
If you've seen Indian street pigs then do you ever get a song play inside you that chote mote suar teri muththi mein kya hai.
bachhe kaha ??
sry nt fr you
Shakti Saran
amazing i was thinking of kids!!!
that when Indian mother's feed them then how do they feel and become like!!!
3rd May 2014: Chat with a fitness model friend:
I don't know her shakti ....she is keep sending me mszes
Y what happ
Shakti Saran
you know that's what i thought
Shakti Saran
just that she tried talking to me in the comments
however i only shared generally
what a waste of life can such people be
Yes u r right shakti
Shakti Saran
they can share their proper details and then even try to talk
have a nice time!
U too shakti ignore tht kind of people have a nice day
Do you think that people are becoming like this also because of their air, water, food and land quality and that among the pigs, a pig can even be fine, however, there are also other animals and then also humans. Please share proper details or else you can read that even a well-doing fitness model says that ignore that kind of people.
15th April 2014: Rather than milk tea, I had green tea and Tropicana 100% (no sugar and preservatives) mixed fruit juice and felt nice! A while ago, I had a few Britannia NutriChoice Ragi cookies and that was also nice. I'm also trying to reduce sugar intake. Do you know that we're now also having organic sugar in market because of issues in sugar. For chocolate, I'm trying to have nicer ones including imported like Nutella due to concerns of milk quality in India.
I realize that I'll still sometimes consume milk in India, however, why not avoid it as much as possible due to possible harmful adulteration in it and that also make people aware so that the milk quality in general would improve greatly as more and more people would demand for it rather than just going on consuming what they find around them without even being sure about the adulteration level in it.
"The NGO Consumer Voice, one of the petitioners in the court, said the quantum of pesticides in fruits and vegetables in India, especially those sold in Delhi markets, was as much as 750 times the European standards.
The NGO claimed that of the five internationally banned pesticides, four were found to be common in vegetables sold here.
The move had come after some NGOs submitted survey reports that vegetables and fruits sold in the city's markets contain poisons capable of causing cancer and harming the nervous system and liver."
"Researchers are beginning to suspect that India's unusual mix of polluted air, poor sanitation and contaminated water may make the country among the most dangerous in the world for lungs."
"Delhi has turned into a pollution zone so deadly that children in the Capital have the lungs of chain-smokers, and all the associated respiratory ailments."
Google "food adulteration india" and on 1st page
Google "anti pollution india" and on 1st page
20th March 2014: Such people working at gym! I wish that they were doing much better and I wish them best. When I reached gym, one asked me if I want to have bananas on which I told him that we don't get bananas at home due to harmful chemicals being used to grow them. I asked him if his coach has told him to have bananas on which he told me that he doesn't have a coach now. He even said that he's not into weight training. He's the only person working at the gym.
One much elder lady told me some weeks ago that some other person who worked here last year was so good that he taught much to her that she's being able to do several exercises by herself now. This is also why I suggest everyone in general to take personal training at least until they know well enough the basics of exercises which they're going to do and that they're able to learn more by self. Of course, personal training is also of value to people with advanced levels.
Around closing time, another person comes to close the gym who seems to have more knowledge about weightlifting. So I asked him if he eats bananas on which he said that he eats a dozen daily. I asked him that where does he buy them from because of the harmful chemicals being used to grow them on which he said that he doesn't get time and so he buys from wherever.
This made me think that this is what people new to health and fitness might also learn to do. I hope that all people who work at a gym and do anything related to health or fitness for members are certified. I also hope that we can easily find shops from where unadulterated food can be purchased. I hope that would also help in these.
4th March 2014: Some comments in a group related to my experience which I've shared in
PERSON Yes I can be a part of the show Shakti Saran. We have to take a step against people who have forgotten morality.
Hi PERSON, Perhaps you mean human values when you mention morality? Human values are universal whereas morality is individual or group specific in the sense that one group can say that women covering face in front of strangers is being moral and that nobody can say anything to this if women follow this without being forced to which can also happen because that's how they're brought up to be like. Someone told me that some woman said that aurat aur gadhe to pitne ke liye hote hai when she was asked that why her son beats his wife who does a lot of work. Having food with severely harmful chemicals is something which would be considered unacceptable by all humans and that people adding severely harmful chemicals to our food for their gains is going against human values.
It seems to me that a great misunderstanding between human values and morality in several people in a place could also lead to a great decline in their ability to maximize their potential individually and as a group and hence a great decline in the quality of life overall can happen in that place. People start to do things which they justify to be acceptable on moral grounds when they're not in terms of human values. I also think that when things become very bad in this regard then most likely it'll be very difficult for them to ever improve greatly which doesn't mean that can't happen.
Moreover, it seems that people who've false pride or false confidence might be more driven by their own set of morals than human values and if there are many of them then that place will get increasingly worse and the worst thing is that the people within there might not even realize how the things are worsening just like street dogs in a very bad place would still only bark and bite each other whereas humans can be so much advanced especially when the many solutions are already there for them to utilize. Think of how many mothers are producing children without taking precautions when they know the pollution is severely harmful. Now there's a report that children in Delhi have lungs of chain smokers. How do the mothers feel about this or they've stopped feeling much thinking that what can they do? I've heard some mother say that what can she do. I wonder if she even tried doing anything much. If she was driven by human values more than morals then she might think again and again that how can she bring a life into our world when the things around her are so bad.
She could either move to elsewhere or first work to make things around her better enough for the new life. There are also many reports of severely harmful chemicals in milk and food in general. As a human, the mother would work to first ensure that the new life that she wants to bring to our world will at least have a basic humanly environment especially since there is already much information and solutions available for her to do the same and if the mother can't afford something then that mother should rather wait as a human to bring a new life. I've heard from people about bringing life into our world and then those children are severely malnourished and also diseased because the mother didn't consider much before bringing the life into our world. At least those women who're aware enough, they could be human enough and that not put new life at risk because they're highly fragile at such age and that they might carry the damage with them throughout their lives for no reason of their own.
3rd March 2014: Kai chehre dekhe. Bahut kumzore hone jaisa mehsoos hua. (Saw several faces. Felt very weak.) Metro se nikla to ek kutta peeche pad gaya. Ek aadmi wahan tha to usse baat karne laga to kutta ruk gaya. Phir mein chala gaya. (Came out of metro and a dog came behind me. There was a person there with whom I started talking and then the dog stopped. Then I left there.)
Kutta bhi bada kumzore laga. (Dog also seemed very weak.) Metro mein tha to ek aurat baithi aur ek aadmi uske saath kadha tha. Humare row mein ek seat khali thi. (In metro, one woman sat and one man stood next to her. In our row, there was one vacant seat.) Kisi ne khade hue aadmi ke liye seat nahi banayi. Thodi der bad, maine kaha logo ko shift hone ke liye aur phir woh aadmi baith gaya. (Nobody created seat for this man. After some time, I told people to shift and then that man sat.)
Bahut kumzori dikhi. (Saw a lot of weakness.) Kya ye bahut pollution se bhi hai? (Is it also due to a lot of pollution?) Kutte ka to phir bhi samajh mein aya lekin insaan ke saath bhi aisa. (Still understood about dog, however, even the same with human.) Kutte ki maa to nahi padh sakti lekin insaan ki to padh sakti hai. (Dog's mother can't read but human's can.) Pollution ke issue ko janna koi nai cheez bhi nahin. India mein logo ko to research bhi nahin karni sirf measure karna hai ki pollution kitna hai. World Health Organization ne already research kar ke bataya hai pollution ke bare mein. (People in India don't even have to research but only measure how much pollution is there. World Health Organization has already done research and shared about pollution.)
"Delhi has turned into a pollution zone so deadly that children in the Capital have the lungs of chain-smokers, and all the associated respiratory ailments." Google "anti pollution india" and on 1st page:
28th February 2014: I've called the police. They'll call back. I reside in C 711, Princess Park, Ahinsa Khand II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad. I've told them that I keep hearing loud noise from above like also of big furniture being moved and when I go and ask the people above then they tell me that they didn't hear any noise. Someone senior told me that perhaps the people might want us to leave. I don't want to think like that. I've decided to get help from police in this regard.
I received another call from police and they suggested that I first talk to RWA and then if things don't workout then I can share with police again.
Today when I went to the apartment above regarding loud noise then they said that they didn't make or hear any noise. So I thought that police should be able to help me in finding out from where is the noise coming. I'll talk to RWA. I've been vising apartments regarding this and I'll also do that.
Some comment in an FB group:
PERSON Hey even I experience the same kinda difficulty in my flat in vaishali as well..
33 minutes ago · Like
Shakti Saran Hi PERSON, Are you staying in an apartment complex? Have you contacted the RWA? If you've done this and there's no proper solution then I suggest to contact media regarding quality of construction issue and here being a high earthquake zone. If you can let them put sound recorder and other equipment in your apartment for noises for next several month then people can learn through the media about any weakness in construction quality and the risk to them.¬if_t=group_comment
27th February 2014: Someone who's close to the leadership of a major national political party for several decades told me that people might want us to leave here and so this might be happening. I don't want to think so, however, it was of value that this person told this to me. I reside in C 711, Princess Park, Ahinsa Khand II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.
There was loud noise like of furniture from above. When I went to the apartment above, the person said to not hear anything and that it didn't come from there. So I went to the neighboring apartment thinking that perhaps it came from there. The person there said that there was no such sound made from there. This person said "lagaiye lagaiye" when I said that I should put a sound recorder.
I'll be finding out how to detect sound and other things. This should also help me with security solutions work since it seems that others would also find it of value. Please share easy and affordable solutions to start with.
15th January 2014: To think about it, why most people even go to the gym? While commenting on someone's wall and reading comments, I just realized that only twelve people had signed in the gym register throughout the day at my apartment complex having around 200 flats. I went in around 8 PM and left around 9 PM and there was nobody there throughout that time except for the person who opens and closes it and has been hired at 10K a month as a trainer but generally seems to do nothing for most of the time (4 hours each during morning and evening). Even he's planning to leave because he wants a higher salary. This funny image also seems to have a valuable meaning! (I've removed the image to save space. It says that "I asked my trainer which machine at the gym I should use to impress beautiful women... he pointed outside and said "The ATM machine".)
10th February 2014: For India: Diet, Calories, Fat, Weight, Exercise, Health by David Katz, MD, MPH, Director, Yale University

9th February 2014: Google makes me feel more human when I find myself suffering from severe issues of harmful chemicals in land, food, water and air around me. I tell people that do they care about the soil in the park in which their children play that how much harmful chemicals might be in it which the children breathe in deeply? I generally don't get any responses that they're doing something greatly about this which makes me think about people in general that how come we've such severe issues when in our same world, there's also much greatness. I wish Google increasing success in making our world great!
Google Inc.’s latest acquisition—an artificial intelligence company called DeepMind—points toward a not-so-distant future when computers learn and reason the way people do. Of course, this is an evolutionary process, and there’s no neat definition of how human minds work, either. But the direction is clear–computers are increasingly able to learn from experience, to figure context into their decision making, and more.
24th January 2014: Why Fathers Really Matter
13th January 2014: Chacha Nehru Sehat Yojna in Delhi metro and much else !!!
I sms'd a team member that I would reach in 10 minutes and to go up the stairs at Gate No. 7, Rajiv Chowk metro station, Connaught Place, New Delhi and wait there. My partner had called after my sms. After talking to him, my team member called but before I could pickup the call, the phone battery ran out. I reached Gate 7 in few minutes but my team member wasn't there. I kept waiting for a while.
Then I went to the restaurant there of a friend to recharge phone battery so that I can call the team member. She was there. I told her that the she should've been at Gate 7 since I had sms'd this to her on which she said that she thought that she should come to the restaurant because some days ago I had told her that if we can't reach other on the phone then she can go there and wait.
Then I took her to Dwarka in metro. The walk in park in Sector 23 was nice. The air was much nicer than where I stay in Indirapuram. Then I took her to a client which is a nice salon. She's working with me on a network that I'm creating for spas and salons. There I charged my phone a bit. After the salon, I told her that we'll visit my relatives who stay nearby. I went back to the market to get something for them. Just as I entered a bakery, someone said my name on the TV and that I saw it was Mr. Shakti Singh Goyal. I told the same to my coworker and the bakery owner about hearing my name just as I entered the bakery. A talk show was going on TV with he being on it.
Few days ago, when I had met her in CP and that I had thought of going to washroom, I had seen KFC and went there and that I didn't want to use the washroom without paying and so I had got into the line to buy something and that for the person in front of me, the billing counter had said 267. 26th July is my birthday and I had then shared the same with my team member about the display and my birthday. Similar had happened with my international client who's now in India. I've shared the bill at Rodeo in Gurgaon as a wall photo.
Similar had happened with another person with whom I've tried doing some work related to luxury but which I've put on hold with that person at least for now. I was going to send dry fruits to this person and that my relatives had told me that they were going to some market in Delhi to buy dry fruits and that I had told them that to also get for me and that I had gone to some ATM out of several in the market to take out cash and that the four 500 INR notes which I had taken out had mentioned 726 on them which I had noticed while giving them to my uncle. I've also shared them as a wall photo.
After the bakery, I shared with my team member that such things happen I think because when we think for someone then someone thinks for us. After visiting the relatives even though I met only few people and that having nice dark chocolate pastries, we walked back to Sector 23 station. My team member likes to walk which is nice because I also like it especially when the air is nice enough.
During the metro, my team member had noticed the floor to be wet and she had asked me what's that. After I left her at Rajiv Chowk, I went again to the friend's restaurant. There I charged my phone a bit. While walking back to Gate 7 around 10 PM, a group of guys were standing nearby it and that as I reached there, they saw someone light up fire on the side and then one person loudly said Lodhi and then another person loudly and laughingly said Loda (male sex organ). Just before I entered metro, I called my partner who I had spoken to in the afternoon. He told me that today he has become dad again! While talking to him, I looked in front of me and there was a poster of Chacha Nehru Sehat Yojna in the metro. However, a person was sitting in front of it and that he spit on metro floor and then put his shoe on the spit and that somehow he didn't seem well from his face. I shared with my partner about the poster and that if I had sit in the next section then the poster was different. He said that I've become chacha (a title used to call one's dad's brother). It's nice that my partner also shared about a website project for a road construction company and which I wish would go well. I wish the several people today with me the best! I wish that my efforts on and others would be of increasing value.
4th January 2014: Jugaad or Technique!!! My team came back from lunch and one person (fresher) asked me that how I did what I did yesterday to find the solution. Another person (a little senior) said that it was jugaad. I said it wasn't jugaad but a widely-used technique to do well a type of work and then I explained.
I also said that when they went to have lunch, I went to buy and have moongfali (groundnut). I said that I kept all the chilkas (shells) in my jacket's pocket and then threw them in the dustbin in the office which I showed them. I said that this can be a widely-used technique to also keep society clean whereas if I had just thrown the shells on the road then that would've been a jugaad to just keep myself clean but a very poor solution considering all affected things including over the longer term.
Of course, jugaad doesn't always have to have a negative impact by itself, however, several times it seems to be used to come up with poor solutions considering all affected things including over the longer term. People might think of a jugaad as a hack, however, I think that something that can be called a hack is generally based on one or more good techniques.
God, I'm not an Indian street dog, pig or any other animal but human. Please help me to keep contributing with increasing value. It feels highly unfortunate to have a mother with such air, water, land pollution and food adulteration. God, please help Mother India to do increasingly well. Thank You!
31st December 2013: WOW!!! I saw dad running as an exercise for the first time. He said that it's good for health. Until his college years, he used to play sports which I've heard, however, I hadn't seen him run as an exercise until now. I wish that the Health and Fitness India network would also be of value to parents and their children together.
Also, it's nice to have Ms. Aarti Hira start working with Health and Fitness India network. Dad spoke to me about benefit of running just after I spoke to Aarti regarding starting work. I wish us a very happy and prosperous New Year!!!
28th December 2013: Suggestion for Health Minister, Delhi: Sir,
Please make good quality Body Composition Analysis machines available all around Delhi.
Body composition is a measurement of a person’s fat mass and fat free (lean) mass. Testing body composition can be a great way to set, monitor and reach realistic health and fitness goals.
I think that this should be one of the first things to do for all people wanting to live with a healthy mind and body and which would also help the society.
This should be an easy enough and also a highly valuable thing to do including to make people aware and to bring together for improving health, fitness and society.
4th December 2013: Some post and comments regarding protein:
PERSON1 (wall post)
Always heard that Almonds had a strong effect on brain and nervous system and is also considered a very spiritually positive food, but just read that it is also a powerhouse of proteins. A quarter-cup contains 7.62 grams—more protein than is provided by the typical egg, which contains 5.54 grams.
Like · · 13 hours ago ·
4 people like this.
PERSON2 (comment) Egg is highlighted by poultry industry unnecessarily. You can get almost same amount of protein from a whole wheat roti, a handful of peanuts/ almonds.
38 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Shakti Saran I'm no expert on this matter, however based on general readings thanks to the human brain and to the humans making research work available to public, I would consider Calories, Protein, Carbs and Fat amounts together for each item and also all the nutrients that they contain. Regarding protein, I would also consider the bio-availability index of the different items and also whether the items contain the essential amino acids or not. I would also research on what is my protein requirement and for which I would even go to a dietitian as required.
a few seconds ago · Edited · Like
28th November 2013: “Exercise, sleep and nutrition form the triangle of health, and all are related,” said Dr. Phyllis Zee, a professor of neurology and director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern University in Chicago.
Of more pressing interest, though, is the study’s practical message that “if you are facing a period of overconsumption and inactivity” — also known as the holidays — “a daily bout of exercise will prevent many of the negative changes, at least in the short term,” Dr. Thompson said. Of course, his study involved young, fit men and a relatively prolonged period of exercise. But the findings likely apply, he said, to other groups, like older adults and women, and perhaps to lesser amounts of training. That’s a possibility worth embracing as the pie servings accumulate.
20th November 2013: If you've high amount of chemicals in your drinking water even after using one RO then you can consider to use more ROs by connecting them to clean your water even better. Do you regularly test your water coming from RO?
Also, agar Indian Maa ka doodh kharab toh phir India kaisa banega? Sadak ke suar jaisa nahin hain, Insaan hain. How many Indians think that their mothers have done great in terms of making efforts to give them at least a basic human life of clean enough air, water, food and land? Do you think the next generation mothers in India in general would get their milk tested for harmful chemicals? Would you share with feeding mothers who you know to care about this?
How much do you care about harmful chemicals in your air, water, food and land? I wish us best!
16th November 2013: May Sachin's spirit live forever !!! (y) :)
4th October 2013: WOW!!! From very less to 4 LAC of Personal Training business done in few months was told to me by a personal trainer to whom I consulted in marketing!!!
It’s a demographic disaster
Wellness for professionals at workplace (offices etc.) - Health and Fitness India
Health Issues faced by BPO Employees - Health Fitness India
(for anyone experiencing Tension, Sleeplessness, Headaches, Eye-strain, Repetitive strain injury (RSI), Voice loss, hearing problems and burn-out:
27th September 2013: How is Indian in general because do you think how come there are so many severe issues including of cancerous pollution, low quality food and others considering the best in our world which other humans have accomplished? Mother India, kya khila pila rahe hai humhe. Mere protein powder box ka issue kab resolve hoga. Indian suar (pig) nahi hun aur protein bhi khareeda hai lekin phir bhi workout affect ho gaya hai.
Some girl having done English Hons. and MBA in HR called me while I was at gym. Phone was on silent so missed it. I called back when I left the gym. She mentioned to be watching Arnab Goswami's show. I mentioned to be seeing a street dog walking there as I was leaving the mall. She immediately correlated dog with Arnab. I said that that's highly unfortunate and then I said something like what do the many Indians think about in general and also how do they think like in general given that this so well educated person with a nice family background is immediately thinking like this. Is there also serious issues with our academic institutions in general?
I said that she could rather think to request Arnab to do a show on street animals because they don't deserve such an environment where we've created such severe issues. I asked her to write on Times Now FB page. She said that she wouldn't. I told her that she would watch Arnab's show, however, not share this when it would be of value. I told her that I would share it.
I also said something like what if our police, intelligence, administration and government are also buying top imported brand protein supplements thinking that it would help them become great because they might find food around them adulterated, however, the boxes they're getting are possibly having severe issues or even severe issues.
I've purchased from a popular online store but the box had issue about which I've called the company but they haven't responded with any solution. Mother India, agar yeh log harmful protein khayenge to suar jaise ya usse bhi worse ban sakte hai aur phir hamara kya hoga. God, please help.
Some comments on above on my FB wall:
PERSON hahahahhaha ...Shakti ...I am laughing because yes it ails all of us..and somewhere we have given in...not all of us..but most of us....this is a state of confusion our country and people are facing..and we will come out ..all so called developed countries have gone through it all and come out of it too.
Shakti Saran how easy to say all have gone through this...i would think every human also lives...but then the different ones have such different outcomes...
PERSON Nothing is easy..but then circumstances created need time to overcome...and only who has created this can make it happen..
Shakti Saran i've actually heard this several times from Indian people and i tell them well first become a great human at global level then say what would happen to india!!!
Shakti Saran nahi toh phir sadak ke kutte or suar toh bahut hai jinko dekh kar apne circumstances achche lagne lag sakte hai...lekin phir un janwaron ki bhi hawa wahi hai...
PERSON See the state of affairs in India has deteriorated to quite an extent..even people have deteriorated...but still we are better off than many in the world...
Shakti Saran I think you missed my point. It's about pursuing greatness and not feeling better that others are worse which seems a widespread thinking in India and that might also be why we hear from several people in India that people here would rather make others worse than make themselves better. Is this also why there are several street animals who're living so highly unfortunately in the severe issues created by people here that people might feel better that there are beings living much worse than them?
Some more comments in a group:
Please read some highly unfortunate comments and also share with others to be much better:¬if_t=group_comment
Comments copy-pasted here:
PERSON WTF are u saying man ?? you are just whining about your protein powder box but not saying whats wrong with it !
And US food is far more cancerous than indian foods in my opinion . They eat more GMO foods than india
PERSON The biggest pollution in india is that of population !
Shakti Saran video
PERSON we are not here to solve ur product issues ! call the company . how is indian govt responsible for this and its not even an indian company !
I don't have time to respond to this because I might have to respond for a while since this person's level of reading comprehension seems very low. I do wish that what I've shared would be of value to many people.
And regarding the GMO food, do you think that what we can control in a lab can even be much better than the alternatives in general given the scientific work is done positively. Several of the top Indian athletes and celebrities consume international nutrition supplements. One person I know, his company in USA makes nutritional supplements which Olympians from India consume. They wouldn't if the labs weren't making great products. Perhaps this person made such a comment based on where this person has been living in general where there's little great scientific work being done for progressing mankind.
12th September 2013 (also see my next post below on 27th August): Food Security Bill gets Presidential assent, becomes an Act
27th August 2013 (2nd post today, one was in morning): A Mr. Gandhi sat next to me today!!! During morning I shared on my wall about Mrs. Gandhi and "empowerment revolution".
After that I went to for Aadhaar Card appointment where I had a range of experience some which I would share later.
After that I went to shop for a birthday gift which keeps getting returned because the person doesn't like it as much and is kind enough to share what he likes with me. After shopping, I went to meet the person at his restaurant in CP, however, he wasn't there. I didn't eat there because I wasn't carrying much cash and they only take cash. So I went to another restaurant where I probably ate several years ago. Moreover I used to eat there sometimes in USA (Atlanta, Georgia). I had first thought of going to McDonald's, however, then I saw Saravana Bhawan next to it and thought of going there because I've eaten at McDonald's over the years, however, not at all at Saravana Bhawan for years. They gave me a seat at the end of the upper floor. It seemed fully packed with another table next to me empty.
A short while later, some people sat there and were discussing big things politics and contributions. While eating, I looked at them a few times and there were positive smiles passed back and forth. So I shared about what I had written on my wall during the morning about nutrition, education, work and rest. Then we shared more. One person asked for my card on which I apologized that I wasn't carrying it then and moreover, my card is my site (I was wearing my t-shirt which mentions it). I asked his kind name and he said a Mr. Gandhi. I then shared with him that during morning, I had written on my wall about Mrs. Gandhi and food bill and about nutrition, education, work and rest. He said that he would connect with me which I look forward to and I wish them best!!!
After eating, I visited my friend's restaurant again and there he was and that we also had some great valuable discussion related to social contributions and top-level leadership. I wish him best!!!
After that, I went to get another t-shirt printed with my site, however, it didn't workout then because my t-shirt was red and that I wanted white on it which I was told can't be done using thermal printing. The shop owner did say that if I've 15 or more t-shirts then he would invest in high quality color to ensure that screen printing quality is great and that the print wouldn't come off until someone would really try to take it off.
After that, I went to easyday store in the mall where I yet again couldn't find Milkana, the low fat packaged paneer that they sell. I thought that today I would do cardio and fat burn and not weightlifting and so I bought a bottle of Gatorade and a bar of Snickers. Outside the store was a woman trying to make sale who I've seen several times trying to make sales by interacting with people around the mall. I told her that she's great that she keeps making sales effort. She said that other staff at gym thinks that she just roams around and essentially that they don't value enough what she does. Then I shared with her that what she's doing is great and that she can also gain more inputs about marketing from some things that I do like my posts on Health and Fitness India network and Chief Marketing Officer - India page and others. She said that I should tell what I think of her efforts to her team which I said I would. I thought but didn't say that much after street pigs, come forest tigers and that humans can't even be compared them and that when people say something like that then look around the lack of greatness and then keep doing your best to make increasing contributions.
Related to above woman's experience with what her staff says about her, a short while ago when I reached my apartment complex, a person (retired Army) was with me. I was wearing my pollution mask. He said that 99.99% people can't even afford proper food and that how they would buy this on which I said that I'm at least glad that we can buy planes to put on our borders and that we've to do what each of us can. What he said was like saying that why live better when others are living worse which was shocking and I wish that he would get value from what I said and that he would also care for himself better. I had complimented him when I had just met him that it's nice that he's going to gym (he was returning from a gym where I used to go before, however, I do think that he does little at gym compared to what he still could and that benefit much more without causing any harm to himself). I had earlier asked him if he used to get physical training during his Army years on which he had said that he was on the civilian side and that he was much busy with work. Today after my aerobics class, I mentioned to the trainer that it's great ther her daughter is now teaching because health and fitness would help her to do well in academics also since she's in college and that in life in general. I wish he had said something more valuable than what he said about pollution mask. I wish he would keep maximizing his human potential.
When I reached gym, the security guard asked me something like where I've been since I had left the gym for few months. This guard over a while has seemed to me to be a bit or much more unhappy with his this work.
When I entered the electronic security gate, one of their top trainers just came out there from the main workout area and he also asked something like where I've been on which I had a nice little talk with him. At the end of my workout, I saw him teach TRX during a personal training session for the first time. TRX seems awesome which I've read is also used by military personnel!!!
Just when I started my workout by getting on a treadmill, I saw the awesome aerobics trainer walk in and I felt awesome that now I can have a lot of fun while doing cardio and fat burn. Her daughter took the class today and it was very kind of the trainer to ask me how she did on which I said that she has a great teacher and that she did well!!!
Also, it was funny with Oracle today!!! I called and sms'd my Oracle student who recently has started and had said that he might come today. He didn't respond to whether he would come today or not. At gym, I saw a woman who works for Oracle and that I looked at her some different times but she never looked back at me. I had shared with her before on teaching Databases and that had nice valuable discussions on a range of things with her. Perhaps both of them were very busy.
Going back to morning during Aadhaar Card appointment, some lady was going around asking if her son's name "Ayan" was written on the form because she's illiterate. When she asked me, I asked if she has something else on which her son's name is written so that I can match the spelling on which she behaved as if she didn't understand me. I asked if she had his birth certificate on which she did. I told her to ask the person working there and when she did that, he didn't even ask her about the spelling and just said it's alright. She then asked another person and then I went to her to explain to her but she just wouldn't understand. This person who seemed to be trying to help also didn't say about spelling issue on which I mentioned again about spelling issue on which he said something like she might not understand such things. Later I heard that he was a govt. employee and that perhaps he has a lot more experience interacting with such people. I do wish she got the correct spelling. I had faced a highly unfortunate issue with my passport renewal some years because in my board exam certificate, my dad's name had a minor spelling mistake and for a short while, I had felt that an issue was being created but then it was thankfully quickly resolved.
Also during the Aadhar Card appointment, when the person working there told some much elder lady to check on the Internet about something, she asked that which place is the Internet? ("yeh kaun si jagah hai?") The person had smiled a bit and had then repeated to check on the "net" some different times and that then had told her to leave. The people outside the bank were creating a lot of commotion. They kept saying that people outside are burning in sun whereas we're getting our cards made first on which the person had said that these people have waited for several days to get their appointment and that they can also take the appointment online. When I said that perhaps they don't know about the Internet then he said that everyone knows everything, they're just doing drama ("sabko sab kuch pata hai, yeh sirf nautanki kar rahe hain"). I felt highly unfortunate for the people working there because they seemed to be trying to do well including to manage the increasing commotion and to make the cards.
I then thought that perhaps the Internet still isn't known to all, however, not being able to use the phone can't be an excuse and that what if the appointment can also be made using the phone? I didn't make my appointment and so I don't know what all went into making the appointment, however, what if the phone owner including family can be linked to the appointment so that they can be made? I wish that something like could be done to make it much simpler for the masses. Similar to this I had shared with Mr. Gandhi and others today about using various ways and means to create valuable linkages between the different public schemes including for food, education, work, health, information and others so that people can convert their nutrition into productivity. I had a similar and more detailed discussion with my friend who's a restaurant owner in CP and also the President of an NGO about which also I discussed with him today and that mentioned that these linkages have to be a public-private partnership effort. It does seem to me that people can give up without making enough efforts and that then we should think of the greatness that has been accomplished by humans till now and that unless we're decaying overall, what all is possible by mankind.
27th August 2013: Gandhi described the welfare scheme, food security bill, as part of an "empowerment revolution" and reached out to the opposition for support.
My thought: As the combination of nutrition, education, work and rest would improve of the masses, our society, environment and world overall should also keep improving! Best!
25th August 2013: How difficult is it for women in India in general to pursue health and fitness and that how does that also affect their children in terms of maximizing their human potential while they're in India?
Today a person in gym said that due to his stupid citizenship, he isn't able to stay in UK even though his parents stay there due to work. He recently visited there. I suggested that if he does business then perhaps he can grow it around the world. He said that he's working on some business idea. I wish him best!
Regarding little children in gym, I've been sharing online for a while that they can get hurt and that they shouldn't just roam around in the gym. Today at gym, I left the workout area and went to get water which is a distance away outside of the main floor which I like. After getting water and while going back to workout area, I heard a little child cry out loud.
There was a lady who said that he got hurt by the entrance door. His mother was inside the studio in a dance class which I saw when she came out for her child.
I've known that lady but don't interact with her much now. Some months ago she had told me about she having to do a lot including her own work and also caring for her child. I wish them the best!
He also said that with a UK passport, there wouldn't be VISA issues to travel most of the world. How many Indians who want to travel our world feel highly unfortunate due to VISA issues? If there wasn't a VISA to bother about then would a lot more Indians travel our world? Why do you think there's VISA issue for Indian people in general? What have our previous generations done and have been doing that we've such an issue when there're places in our world where people don't have such an issue? What are we doing about it?
14th August 2013: A very little girl came to a gym. I saw her playing with an empty Coca Cola bottle. I drink Coca Cola, however, this was a highly unfortunate incident. I told the trainer about it on which he said that he gave it to her. I later saw that the bottle stays in the gym which could make it even more harmful for such a little person who could touch it and then put hands in the mouth. Moreover, while she was playing with it, it was also rolling on the ground and that then she was putting it in her mouth.
I told the trainer that she's putting the bottle in her mouth which was rolling on the ground. He said that she's not his or my age to understand this. I told him that like this she could grow into a sick person and then how she would think like. I also said that even if she can't understand this now, people around her can understand this now on which the trainer didn't say anything. Her mother was also there who had come to meet someone but she didn't remove the bottle from her. I smiled at the girl and she also smiled and that I wish her best.
Jan gan ka tan suar jaisa mat banne do Bhagwan, aap ho bhagya vidhata. Jai he! Please kum kar do pollution, adulteration, koode, gadhdhe. Jai he!
10th August 2013: If you're a gym owner or fitness trainer then please take care about this: Today at gym while working out, I stepped back and that my foot went on a dumbbell. I then told my personal trainer that we shouldn't let these stay on the floor like this because people can get hurt. There was a little girl there sitting on a chair and I told him that what if she had stepped on it and fallen and hit her head on the glass mirror.
My trainer first said that it's there because he was working out on which I said that I haven't seen him working out for a while on which he then said that the dumbbells are there because of another person. The other person came to listen and I told him that somebody could've got hurt on which he didn't say anything. I asked him whether he practiced some martial arts that I taught him yesterday since he and my trainer had seemed very interested in learning martial arts from me yesterday.
This person said that he couldn't practice martial arts because he had to work night shift. He said that he has to work two days night per week. I suggested him to read my blog post which can also be found on Google by searching for "bpo health issues" This person works in tech support and that my post should be of value to anyone who's having to work like this changing between day and night shifts on a frequent basis. Please share with your friends! Best!
Amazing that as I'm writing the above, someone commented on my cousin sister's little baby's group message! I wish her great air, food, water and environment. How many Indian people get that? What do you do about that including for your future generations? How do you feel as an Indian? Best!
5th August 2013: Exercise may improve the mood of pregnant women and help to reduce levels of fatigue reports new research published in Psychology & Health The study, by Anca Gaston and Harry Prapavessis at the University of Western Ontario, examined whether a four week exercise intervention programme would result in improvements in the psychological well-being of previously inactive pregnant women. The results were clear, with participants reporting significant improvements in their mood during the programme. They also saw reduced levels of fatigue, suggesting that pregnant women should be encouraged to engage in regular exercise to improve both psychological and physical well-being.
While postpartum mood disorders like postnatal depression are widely recognised, rates of depression, anxiety and fatigue are actually higher during pregnancy than following pregnancy.
Possible complications resulting from depression during pregnancy include:
- Insufficient weight gain;
- Increased substance use;
- Premature birth;
- Small babies; and,
- Reduced intention to breastfeed.
15th July 2013: Most shoppers base their food choices on price rather than nutritional value, with lower socio-economic status consumers more likely to eat high energy-dense foods such as sugary drinks, said Marion Hetherington, a professor of biopsychology at the University of Leeds.
By lowering salt, sugar and calorie content of their foods independently, industry will not face competitive pressure caused by only some producers providing more healthy foods in the marketplace, she said.
8th July 2013: If you don't have as much money as before because of Rupee's decreasing value then at least spend time on health and fitness which might not even cost as much money to do and that it should also help you earn better. "Double whammy: Rupee at 61, markets crash 200 points" Please share this with your family and friends! All the Best for your health and wealth!
7th July 2013: My comment: Please let me share one thing. From my experiences that I've had over the several years since I've been meditating daily, I find meditation to help me become a better human and also feel a connection to something greatly beyond human. However, I do wonder that if a person would meditate with wishes that are against the human values then can meditation also make that person better at accomplishing those wishes?
Jeff, CEO of LinkedIn had shared this article
4th July 2013: God, I've heard of stories of long ago of people in India being able to convert energy to matter. Why didn't you inspire them to make India great or did you or what happened and can you please help now?
Yesterday, my cousin visited who has cleared her medical exams in USA and now will be going there soon for a job. She mentioned about the variety of very healthy options for eggs being sold there.
What's the quality of egg of Indian in general? Please help us to have the best quality eggs in India also. I read somewhere that the yellow in egg sold in India might also be due to chemicals fed to chickens and if so then how harmful are those chemicals?
I request all to read about the highly valuable efforts of this human including for inspiration to make our world a much greater place. On this 4th of July, thank you very much for your efforts that I've technologies and solutions to share this with our world and I wish for humans to maximize their potential. Best!
2 July 2013: How many Indians get milk from market or consume milk based products from market that have lesser harmful adulteration than the milk being had by these piglets?
What do you do to ensure that your milk from market and milk based products from market are without harmful adulteration? What all harm do you think can milk adulteration cause you?
Please also read milk
1st July 2013: Highly unfortunate! Please take care doctors: Healers ignore own health
25th June 2013: How many Indian people do you know who're like this? They watch news events with seemingly so much interest as if they're going to do something about those events, however, they don't and hence waste human potential which could've even been applied well towards reducing such news events. If you know such people then what do you do so that they do better? I wish that my efforts would be of value in the same. I try to gain specific news inputs which can help me in making things better for our society, environment and world. It's possible that any news event would be of value to someone and so we do need its news. However, are you maximizing your human potential? Best! Shakti
17th June 2013:
Do these suicides flag a potential mental health emergency in India? Although critical of the sensationalism of stray, extraordinary cases of suicide, Mathew Varghese, professor and head of psychiatry, NIMHANS, says though there are many impulsive suicidal attempts, not all are due to depression. “Suicides in teenagers and young adults are possibly due to change in the social fabric of our society and much more complex in causation. For example, causes may vary from performance expectations, loss of family support and communication, urbanisation, poverty, loss of desired objects and so on.
25th May 2013:
Please don't get harmed and please also help others as and when you can. A friend came to the gym looking for me because he had urgent matter to discuss. I changed my workout routine to leave early and that while working out at a machine, I saw a woman using the seated chest press machine wrongly which could've seriously harmed her since her shoulders were lifted up while holding the handles and pressing them because the handles on the seated chest press machine were very high for her when they should've been at chest level. I've seen her at gym for over an year but never really spoken to her. I excused myself to tell her that it seems that she's not properly using the seated chest press machine. She also said that she feels the same. We tried to increase the seat's height but it was at max. She told me that the trainer had told her that she can use it. If you go to a gym which charges a lot of money and also seems to have quality equipment then it might still be possible that you're not getting proper inputs from the trainers. You can think of getting personal training from qualified trainers for not getting hurt and for making improvements. Suar jaise na bane. (Don't become like pig.) Sher jaise bhi kyun. (Why even like tiger.) Insaan achcha hai! (Human is good!) Aisi Indianness kitni? How much is such Indianness? Become Best.
Amazing that after talking to my friend, I reached home and saw missed calls from my friend above and also from another woman who I had tried to help a lot before and that I had stopped talking to her for a while because she had started developing serious feelings for me when I had already requested her to not do that. I spoke to her and told her about my friend's serious matter and about the woman above that others might take advantage of you and also let you get harmed you when you're nice to them and that I'm not like others and so I rather stopped talking to her. Please take care when you join a gym. Moreover, I had picked up my phone to call another person when I saw the missed calls and the person who I was going to call had recently asked me about this woman that if I'm talking to her on which I had said that I'm like this and so I'm not like that and so I'm not in order to not let that woman get harmed. I wish all of them the best!
17th May 2013:
"We have found that Indian population is predisposed to obesity at a younger age and diabetes is a growing menace. The study will be ethnic-specific. We will conduct the study in south, central and north India," said Deep Goel, director, bariatric surgery, BLK Super Speciality Hospital.
"With the help of various institutions, we will start the study in a couple of months," Goel said.
The detailed study across the country on diabesity (diabetes plus obesity) will be supported by University of Dresden, Germany and Beijing Genomics Institute of China. BLK Super Speciality Hospital in the national capital is the nodal centre in India for the study.
According to the doctors, mostly affluent urban Indians are now obese and obesity is increasing rapidly among urban school children.
Indians are more vulnerable to diabetes because genetically they have a higher percentage of body fat to muscle compared to Europeans.
As per the doctors, the fat is usually deposited around the abdomen, where it interferes with insulin and increases sugar levels in the blood, causing diabetes in people with a low body mass index.
The study will also discuss about safety, durability of diabetes recovery and long- term outcome of surgical diabetes therapy.