See below a variety of selected videos and online resources for Wellness at Workplace
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"Incentive programs are not wellness programs," said Dr. Ronald Goetzel, Director of Emory University's Institute for Health and Productivity Research and President and CEO of The Health Project. "That can be a component, when done smartly, of a comprehensive program, but if that's all your program is going to be, you're going to fail miserably, and people are going to be resentful," he explained. According to Goetzel -- who has studied worksite wellness programs at large corporations such as Dow Chemical and Johnson & Johnson, and is being funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study best practices in the field -- incentive programs can help get people excited about health and keep them on track, but ultimately people's habits will only change if they are given the resources to change them and if the workplace norms and environments change.
Without the other pieces to facilitate behavior change -- healthy cafeterias, opportunities to exercise, flexible work hours, supportive leadership and middle managers, and health risk assessments and coaching -- incentive programs will only penalize, not change, those who are least healthy. Above information is from article link
9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People article link
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Workstation Setup Ergonomics
(From article link, more details in comments below after the post)

Article: Jet Lag disorder, prevention and other details
Slide show: Office stretches
Video: Neck stretches for the workplace
Video: Forearm stretches for the workplace
Video: Upper body stretches for the workplace
Video: Seated stretches for the workplace
Video: Standing stretches for the workplace
I keep sharing in the comments below.
Shakti Saran