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Testimonial by Reema Sarin an actor, model, dancer & founder BOLLYFIT for Shakti Saran, Health Fitness India work.

I'd like to thank Ms. Reema Sarin an actor, model, dancer & founder BOLLYFIT to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?
Well, I started BOLLYFIT about 10 years ago in 2004. At that time, I found that people were getting bored of the traditional aerobic workouts, and were looking for new ways to keep fit and lose weight. It was around that time, that ‘bollywood remix’ music and new bollywood dance choreographies became a huge hit globally.
I decided to mix all 3 popular rages– that is International Fitness moves (Aerobics, Step Aerobics and Cardio Kick-boxing); Bollywood dancing and Bollywood music (at increased speeds) so one can get a high energy fun workout!
BOLLYFIT is my own fusion of sophisticated bollywood, bhangra, hip-hop, jazz, modern, funk, flamenco and fitness dance and aerobic dance moves, synchronized to popular bollywood music at 200 beats per minute, the first of its kind and the fastest in the dance and fitness industry globally!
How important is fitness in today’s fast paced life:
A healthy body complements a healthy mind. Both go hand in hand. Exercising is the best stress buster, and in today’s fast paced times, it certainly helps to keep fit by engaging in any kind of fitness activity or sports. Fitness should be a key component in anybody's life simply for the fact that it makes you feel better. Here are some key reasons and benefits of being Fit:
More Confidence
One of the first benefits that come to mind is confidence or raised self esteem. After all when you feel good you look good and that definitely shows in a person if they take care of themselves.
More Energy
People that exercise have or seem to have more energy than people that don't. For example, if you where to do cardio in the morning before you went to work, your day would run smoother and you would be more upbeat for the day? Working out might seem like a chore at first. You might even feel like you have no energy to workout. However remember this, working out on a regular bases give you more energy in the long run.
More Organized
I am drawing from personal experience here but whenever I am on a structured program or workout regime, I become more organized in other areas of my life. Area's such as work, friends, family and leisure time. So try making fitness a part of your life. You never know what you might be able to accomplish.
2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?
Being in the industry for a decade now, today, I am a well known fitness model and fitness media personality. I recently completed both, the Delhi and the Mumbai Marathons of 21.097 kms, much before the stipulated time of 3 hours and received medals for both races respectively.
I am a leading Fitness and Bollywood Dancer & Choreographer in the country, with international experience and training in the Fitness Industry in the US and in South East Asia (including Australia).
I conceptualized and launched my ‘BOLLYFIT’ Dance Program, which is a fusion of scintillating and sophisticated bollywood and fitness dance moves, which are carefully synchronized to popular bollywood music.
It’s the only one of its kind fitness dance choreography which gives you the amazing thrill of bollywood, jazz and funk dancing along with the fun combination of international dance aerobics, step dance aerobic and cardio kick boxing moves your favorite fast paced bollywood music of speeds of 200 beats per minute (bpms)!
I have has organized Fitness Dance Shows, including at the Youth Nexus Festival’, sponsored by HT City in Delhi, ‘Dublin Night-Club’ in Delhi, ‘FBAR (renamed as ‘Venom Lounge’) in Hyderabad, amongst others.
I have launched the BOLLYFIT Program’ as a motivational fitness dance program in schools (The American School, Delhi), corporate companies (AppLabs, IBM) and Hotels (Taj Group, Four Seasons Group) and Resorts all over India. I have been instrumental in promoting fitness in, as well as in introducing and promoting BOLLFIT group fitness workouts in all the premier Fitness Clubs and Gyms in the country.
I have showcased the ‘BOLLYFIT’ programs, on all the prime TV channels in the country, including STAR News, ZEE, Aaj Tak, CNBC (Goodlife Program), ‘Raat Baki’ on NDTV (Bollywood Fitness Parties), as well as given interviews to the mainline dailies, lifestyle and fitness publications and magazines like Times of India, Hindustan Times, Pioneer, Atelier Diva, Hotel Business Review, Capitol Post, amongst others.
“My classes are fun, high energy, fast paced and rejuvenating. ‘It is actually not just about losing weight, but about keeping fit; improving flexibility, stamina, endurance, strength and leading a high-energy life. People join the ‘BOLLYFIT’ Program to work out in high energy and power filled group fitness classes.”
BOLLYFIT is a sure shot calorie burner. The fitness dance moves work out each and every muscle in your body in a very distinct way, all very addictive and help you actually de-stress and unwind as you workout.
3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?
I encourage clients to adopt fitness as a lifestyle and make it a part of their everyday regimen, so they remain healthy in their daily lives. There are many new Fitness workouts that are working wonders, as they not only are excellent calorie burners, but are fantastic for muscle toning and building strength and stamina. They help to Increases your speed, balance, flexibility, coordination and sharpens reflexes.
Additionally, they provide the ‘fun element’, which ensures that you get an enjoyable workout without feeling the burden of exercise. It releases what we call in layman terms ‘happy hormones’ in the body, leaving you feeling great!
For any exercise, Mornings is the best time as the body has maximum energy in the morning after a night’s sleep.
For exercise, they should wear comfortable cotton, lycra exercise clothes, which includes tshirts, stretch pants, tights, aerobic dance wear. Basically, cloths that don’t restrict aerobic and dance movements and allow the skin to breathe and allow full body movement. But even more important thing are the shoes – they need to be of a flexible sole for dance movement and have a good base to provide substantial support for high impact landing.
I also advise my clients to adopt healthy eating habits, and adopt a high protein, low fat and complex carbohydrate diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and water intake.
Eating - thumb rule - Calories in have to be less than Calories burnt. So eat healthy on most days. NEVER GO ON CRASH DIETS. Eat lots of protein - daals, tofu, fruits and vegetables. White meats instead of Red. So chicken and fish are better than lamb, pork, other red meats. Just cut out excess salt, sugar, alcohol, fried snacks (so no samosas, chips, etc). There are plenty of low fat snacks to have, for e.g.like a whole wheat toast with tomatoes and some pepper, instead of say a cheese toast. Deserts - stick to jellos, etc not the heavy deserts like 'halwa', creamy deserts, etc. Stick to Low fat milk and yogurt.
Avoid white carbohydrates - so no 'maida' and stick to whole wheat pastas and breads.
4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?
We are finding that our people are getting increasingly fitness conscious, and are constantly looking for new, innovative and fun ways to workout, lose weight. For optimum fitness, it is good for your body to experience different kinds of workouts.
Fitness professionals at times stick to old and outdated fitness regimes which aren’t very effective and also get boring for clients. Sometimes fitness professionals also tend to follow 1 type of fitness routine and in doing so, wear out the body muscles.My advise to all fitness professionals is to stay updated with new fitness regimes and vary the fitness routines they teach their clients.
5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?
With Bollywood music becoming increasingly popular not only with Indians but also expats, professionally I see myself and BOLLYFIT going global! Today, I teach Bollywood ‘Rock Aerobic’, ‘Pop Aerobic’ and marathon advanced ‘Trance Aerobic classes’, which are all very addictive forms of exercise.”
BOLLYFIT Dance is one of the latest and most innovative concepts, that is taking both, fitness and dancing to a completely new level as it talks about a completely new concept internationally, called 'fitness dancing'. BOLLYFIT has completely glamorized fitness, as it is also the first fitness dance program to be taught in nightclubs and discotheques (during non night-club hours), which has been a great hit, as for the first time, a fitness workout has moved out from Gyms and Fitness Clubs, to Nightclubs.
The special BOLLYFIT moves strengthen your muscles and the BOLLYFIT stretches really increase flexibility and really relaxes all your limbs. Some of the super fast high energy dance moves will give you fantastic workout as you feel your fitness level going to a higher level, giving you increased calorie burn.
6. Your professional contact details
Reema Sarin
Office: 26873133
Mobile : 9871698894
Email r_sarin@hotmail.com and reema@reemafitness.com
Some useful links:
Reema Sarin's Profile:
Join on Facebook - Reema Sarin – The BOLLYFIT Girl!
To receive your weekly fun dance and fitness tip, Join The BOLLYFIT Club on Facebook today! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bollyfit-Club/169321103099771
Reema Sarin - Twitter https://twitter.com/ReemaSarin
Reema Sarin Blog http://reemafitness.blogspot.com/

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