physiotherapist (3)

See below many selected videos and online resources for CrossFit Exercises

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Also see Deadlift techniques India - simple to advanced exercise variations

Read about Aspects of Fitness

What's CrossFit

Thousands of athletes worldwide have followed our workouts posted daily on this site and distinguished themselves in combat, the streets, the ring, stadiums, gyms and homes.

Do Not Let This Happen Again

Unable to pay fee, swimming champ hangs self. This Ghaziabad (INDIA) girl Saira had won gold medals in 100 small and big swimming competitions. Article link

Unstoppable: Cassidy Duffield

Someone in India asked me how to become a CrossFit trainer?

My response: How to Start CrossFit

Initially, you can also start on your own depending on your level.

You can find Training Courses on

You can also try to find CrossFit trainers and classes in India or internationally.


CrossFit - Nine Foundational Movements, Lisa Ray

Explanation of Handstand Push-ups, Scales, Kipps, Strict - CrossFit - Health and Fitness India Scroll down and you'll find several pages of embedded videos. This is one of the latest ones which I've also shared here

On 27 June 2013: Amazing! I've been going to a physiotherapist since few days. Today morning before going to him, I watched the Greg Glassman, Founder & CEO, Crossfit: March 13, 2013, Full Talk video (see below).

After that I created the Crossfit - Health and Fitness India page.

After that I went to the clinic. There I met a news reporter who's the deputy bureau chief of a top news channel. Highly unfortunately, he has suffered multiple fractures because he fell forward and that he put his hands straight which caused the multiple fractures. I could hear him scream in pain as the physiotherapist was working on him.

When the physiotherapist got done, I mentioned to him that we should teach functional training to the masses like how to fall, how to pick up things and etc. on which the physiotherapist said yes. I think that if the masses are unhealthy and unfit then it's negative for them and for our society, environment and world overall.

Crossfit is about functional training and fitness and that it's amazing that I had thought of it and that had viewed the founder's hour long video and that had also created the Crossfit - Health and Fitness India Facebook page just before going to the clinic and meeting the news reporter.

I shared with the news reporter the Health and Fitness India network's website and I wish that he would help me to bring the site increasingly to the people in India and also worldwide. I asked him if he has a child on which he showed me the photo of his little daughter on his mobile. I suggested him to provide her functional training from early on. I wish that my efforts would be of increasing value to our world and that I would also work with more and more of the best people from worldwide. 

Scientific research study of CrossFit athletes (first part 2 and then part 1):

CrossFit - A Metabolic Analysis of CrossFit's Elite: Part 2

CrossFit - A Metabolic Analysis of CrossFit's Elite: Part 1

Greg Glassman, Founder & CEO, Crossfit: March 13, 2013, Full Talk

Published on Mar 27, 2012 (from the About section of video)

Combining the CrossFit training methodology with a diet of meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar brings "a jet stream of adaptation," says CrossFit founder Greg Glassman.

In the pyramid Glassman created, nutrition is the foundation, with met-cons, gymnastics, weightlifting and throwing, and sport following.

"Each level builds on the level below it," explains Nicole Carroll, director of certification. "If your nutrition sucks, these things will not be where they could be if it were more solid."

Likewise, Glassman says CrossFit favors Barry Sears' Zone Diet "because it does give me accurate and precise prescription for caloric intake and, more importantly, the exact levels of macronutrient that I can start at."

Likewise, trainers and coaches can make informed decisions on how to tweak an athlete's diet for improved performance, he says.

CrossFit HQ trainer Pat Sherwood says nutrition isn't an either/or aspect of training.

"It's not quality or quantity. It can and it should be both."

The Test of Fitness

"How many women have beaten that winning time from 2007...That's our next generation..." Wonderful!

The Women of CrossFit Dynamix

CrossFit Games Update Show: April 23, 2014

Reebok CrossFit ONE - Why do you Crossfit?

CrossFit - Letting Beauty Speak 

Growing Up Strong

CrossFit India - Fitness Motivation for Girls, Women, Boys, Men

2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Recap

CrossFit - The Fittest Woman in the World: Thor's Daughter

CrossFit - Let Me Tell You About CrossFit


From the About section of video: 

CrossFit can change how a woman both defines beauty and feels about her body, as Rita Benavidez, Jackie Perez, Erin Cianciolo and Andrea Ager discuss in this video.

Once thinking beauty was a picture of a waify woman on a magazine, Benavidez feels differently now. "My perception of beauty has changed over the past few years," Benavidez says. "True beauty ... is strength and fitness, and confidence in yourself."

Perez was originally motivated by trying to be skinny. "That wasn't getting me anywhere," she says. "With CrossFit, I set goals. I want to deadlift 225, I'm going to hit that faster than I'm going to look in the mirror and like what I see."

Ager says putting in the work is key to getting what you want. "I think that hard work and the way that your body looks go so hand-in-hand," she says. "Once you do get a body that you want, you're very proud of it ... you're proud of what your body can do."

Through CrossFit, these women are confident, stronger and fitter. They are mothers, tomboys, coaches. They are CrossFit athletes.

CrossFit - Highlights from the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games

What is CrossFit?

From the About section of video:

What is CrossFit? CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it. It is a fitness program that combines a wide variety of functional movements into a timed or scored workout. We do pull-ups, squats, push-ups, weightlifting, gymnastics, running, rowing, and a host of other movements. Always varied, always changing, always producing results. Kids, cops, firefighters, soccer moms, Navy SEALS, and grandmas all do CrossFit. In fact, hundreds of thousands worldwide have followed our workouts and distinguished themselves in combat, the streets, the ring, stadiums, gyms and homes.

What Is CrossFit? Short by CrossFit by Overload

CrossFit - Number 1 and Number 2: A Day of Training

Find out how 2010 Games champion Graham Holmberg and second-place finisher Rich Froning Jr. are training for the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games. At the Rogue Fitness training center in Columbus, Ohio, and CrossFit Cookeville at Tennessee Tech University, Sevan Matossian captures these two elite athletes preparing themselves for the mental and physical battles they are soon to encounter.

Reminiscing on his experiences last year, Froning says, "You can look at it like I lost or you can look at it like he won, and either way the outcome is he won. There's not much you can do about it, and I can't change anything about it."

To prepare for this year's Games, Froning says his game plan is simple: "Train as hard as I can. That's what I'm going to do, and that's what I have been doing."

Reigning champion Holmberg confronts criticism about his performance and obscurity over the past year. He says the Open was a "lose-lose situation" for him—if he did well, people expected it, but if he did poorly, people would question his capability. Holmberg finished 37th overall in the Open, and he didn't compete in a regional event.

Both athletes say they are ready for the Home Depot Center and July 29. They analyze their own past performances and that of their peers, sizing up the competition.

"We'll see what happens when we get to the Games," Holmberg says. "That's all that really matters."

CrossFit - WOD 120803 Demo with Andrea Ager, Jackie Perez, Rita Bena

For time:
75 pound Thruster, 30 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
75 pound Thruster, 20 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
75 pound Thruster, 10 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascents

CrossFit - WOD 130130 Demo with Cara Hipskind and Kayla Baumgardne 


Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch

CrossFit - WOD 130130 Demo with Cara Hipskind and Kayla Baumgardne


Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch

2012 CrossFit Games - CrossFit Games Summary

Highlights from the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games.

Along with Crossfit, also see videos for absbackbicepschest, shoulders, and legs.

How to lift weights, lose fat, tone, sculpt and build body at gym




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Hi All,

I'd like to thank Mr. Sushant Sehgal to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

Fitness is my passion. When I was in college I use to go for workouts in various gyms to know more about fitness. Then I started using those techniques taught to me by my trainers and used some variations in it. Then I thought it's better to come in this field, so that I can take my passion to a new level.

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

I'm a physiotherapist and then I did diploma in yoga. Then when I decided to come in this field I applied and cleared my ACE exam. So my speciality is physiocare plus yoga along with fitness training. I prefer pilates and functional training more than weight training.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

My advice is to be patient and results wil come automatically.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

Workout should be according to the needs and physical abilities of the member. Same workout is not recommended to all the people. As body type of each individual is different.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

My goal is to see myself, as an international fitness trainer.

His contact details:


The Entire List of Health and Fitness Professional Interviews

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Hi All,

I'd like to thank Dr. Chirag Sethi, Managing Director of Classic Fitness Group, to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

Fitness was always my passion so I thought of opting my passion as my profession. Having a master's degree in sports physiotherapy helped me alot to understand the basics clearly. Seeing the ongoing trend of obesity in India I hope I could make a difference.

2. What are your specialities as a fitness professional?

I hold a master degree in sports physiotherapy, I have done various international certifications from ACE / ACSM / NCSF.

My specialities are sports conditioning, kettlebell, TRX and BOSU ball workouts for whole body conditioning.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

I always believe in chosing the right amount of exercise with correct technique. If the technique is wrong and we lift heavy we will only have injuries.

Good nutrition and right exercises are a key for a healthy body.

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

The major mistake fitness professionals do is they make all the clients do the same workout. We have to understand every client is different and their goals are different.
One form of exercise will always not benefit all clients.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

5 years from now I would like to see me educating more and more people in India and spreading my network of training academies all over India which will provide training to all the aspiring professionals.

His contact details:


The Entire List of Health and Fitness Professional Interviews

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