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Wellness Pentagon Program from Kainos Global

We, at Kainos Global, have come up with a unique and revolutionary health and wellness program through our ‘Wellness Pentagon’ Theory. Our Health & Wellness products, which works on the theory of Wellness Pentagon brings holistic health and wellness among individuals.

The Wellness Pentagon outlines the Five most important aspects of holistic health & wellness. If anyone takes care of these Five aspects in life then they will remain disease free all through their life. I will suggest that you should pay attention to these Five elements, irrespective of your life style.

Blood Circulation: Why is good blood circulation important for our body?

The Wellness Pentagon Theory by Kainos Global outlines blood circulation as an important segment of holistic wellness and health. But did you ever think why is it so important?

Blood circulation is the main carrier of oxygen to all the vital organs in our body. It is because of this that our body functions the way it is supposed to function. However, roughly around 70% of working people suffer from low blood circulation and associated diseases because of our hectic lifestyle, stress, alcohol, smoking and other associated illnesses. All these lead to very poor blood circulation and eventually to clots! We would recommend you to improve the blood flow to your organs to enjoy a better skin, body and mind!                                                                                                              

Slimming: Giving Attention to Slimming and Beauty is Indispensable

Kainos Global has introduced slimming and beauty as a part of their Wellness Pentagon program. In today’s world, these two things have become almost indispensable. So, why are they so important?

Today, obesity is one of the major reasons for many health problems like hypertension, diabetes and skeletal issues. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults aged 18 years and older were overweight, of these over 650 million adults were obese, according to a WHO report. The report also mentions that 39% of adults aged 18 years and over (39% of men and 40% of women) were overweight (1). Fats are dangerous for your heart and liver. They can reduce your life span by almost 15 years. So, you must consider losing weight and being healthy. Besides this, losing weight and maintaining your beauty can enhance your self-esteem and confidence. It becomes much more easier to go out and speak to people once you are no longer conscious about your looks!

Stomach: Digestion is a Key Component of a Healthy Body

If you are not able to digest the food that you eat, you can end up having severe health problems. That is why Kainos Global has included digestion as a part of its Wellness Pentagon Theory which aims to improve the overall health and well-being of different individuals.

By having a good digestive system, you ensure that your stomach absorbs all the important nutrients from the food that you eat. It becomes essential for proper functioning of the body and other vital organs. Around 40% of the people in their middle age face some or the other disorder associated with their digestive system that leads to many health issues. A good digestive system also helps in proper cell growth and assists in providing energy to the body. It also helps to carry out your daily activities properly.

Sleep: The Benefits of Good Sleep

Sleep can do wonders to your body. It provides you with a healthy mind, body and soul. Sleeping properly can also help you increase your metabolism rate. This impacts your overall well-being and also helps to promote weight loss. When your mind gets to rest it can work better and also helps improve your memory. While on the other hand, sleeping for less than six hours in the night can increase the levels of C-reactive protein in your blood. This is the major cause of heart attacks in adults. People who suffer from sleep apnea or insomnia could regulate their blood pressure and inflammation issues by sleeping well. That is the reason why we have included sleep in our Wellness Pentagon program.

Spine: Why Having a Healthy Spine is so Important?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NINDS), every individual has around 80% chances of incurring a back or spine problem in their lifetime (2). As a part of our Wellness Pentagon Program we stress extensively on spine as it is one of the most significant elements for overall holistic health and well-being. Your spine is crucial for the movement of neck, arms and other body parts. The alignment and strength of the spine can be impacted by poor posture, weak muscles, etc.

The spine provides support to your back, brain and the medulla oblongata and provides a firm support to your body as well. Without a good spinal structure, you would find difficulty in coordination and control over various integral body parts.

This calls for taking care of your spinal column with a healthy lifestyle and exercises.

Hope this blog makes you motivated to take care of your health and well-being.




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Any disease can be successfully treated or managed if its root cause is known and targeted effectively.

Ayurveda, one of the major traditional forms of medical practice in India, has produced many useful leads in developing medications for chronic diseases.

Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing that originated in India thousands of years ago. Historical evidence of Ayurveda can be found in the ancient books of wisdom known as the Vedas that were written over 6000 years ago. Ayurveda provides novel approaches to cancer prevention that are considered safe.

Classical Ayurvedic texts have several references to cancer. Some terms used to describe the condition are general while others are much more specific.

Charaka and Sushruta Samhita (700 BC) both described the equivalent of cancer as granthi (benign or minor neoplasm) and arbuda (malignant or major neoplasm). Both can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory, based on the doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) involved. The term dosha describes the three principles that govern the psychophysiological response and pathological changes in the body. Ayurveda described health as the balanced coordination of these three systems in body, mind and consciousness. The fundamental theory of Ayurvedic treatment is based on restoration of the balance between these three major bodily systems.

Tridoshic tumours are usually malignant because all three major body humors lose mutual coordination, resulting in a morbid condition.

Arbuda is the most specific term for a cancerous malignancy. Gulma is one another reference used to describe any palpable hard mass in the abdomen. It is any hard, tumor like mass in the abdominal region, which could be benign or malignant.

Ayurvedic classification of neoplasms depends upon various clinical symptoms in relation to tridoshas.

Group I: Diseases that can be named as clear malignancies, including arbuda and granthi, such as mamsarbuda (sarcomas) and raktarbuda (leukaemia), mukharbuda (oral cancer), and asadhya vrana (incurable or malignant ulcers).

Group II: Diseases that can be considered as cancer or probable malignancies, such as ulcers and growths. Examples of these are mamsaja oshtharoga (growth of lips), asadhya galganda (incurable thyroid tumour), tridosaja gulmas, asadhya udara roga, (abdominal tumours like carcinomas of the stomach and liver or lymphomas).

Group III: Diseases with the possibility of malignancy, such as visarpa (erysipelas), asadhya kamala (incurable jaundice), asadhya pradara (intractable dysmenorrhea or leukorrhea) and tridosaja nadi vrana (intractable sinusitis).

At CHARAKA, we are providing effective treatment for cancer, focusing on the principle of detoxification, rejuvenation. Our treatment involves:

Shamana chikitsa (treatment using Ayurvedic medicines orally)

Shodhana chikitsa (detoxification through Panchakarma therapy)

Rasayana chikitsa (immunotherapy, rejuvenation or Kayakalpa)

Diet & life style management

Satvavajaya (couselling)

Daiva vyapashraya chikitsa (divine therapy), Yoga & Pranayama are also suggested as per the need and condition of the patient.

Our cancer therapies are based on the philosophy of Removal the cancerous cells when possible and destroy any cells that remain.

Our Ayurvedic treatments can be safely combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy procedures to minimize the side effects. Even in surgical treatment, this treatment can be started immediately to prevent metastasis and further healing.

Early detection, early medical or surgical interventions are believed to be the key factors in combating cancer effectively. Similarly early stage Ayurvedic treatment as a co-therapy yields best possible results.

#How can Ayurveda treatment help to combat Cancer?

It is now established that "reverse" signalling from dysfunctional or abnormal Mitochondria play important role in the initiation and progress of Cancer cells and conversely it is also proven that Healthy Mitochondria can suppress the growth of cancer cells and make them more susceptible to the treatment. So any drug or treatment which can improve Mitochondrial function can modify the course of the disease and arrest its growth. In this article, we have seen that Mitochondria and Agni are the same organelles and in Ayurveda, for cancer following treatment is provided

1) To remove the free radicals, toxins, excess amount of dirty Pitta, Kafa and Vata which are known to impair the functions of Agni

2) To restore and strengthen the metabolic functioning of Agni due to which further chain of events are curtailed and disease process comes under control.

3) To change the cellular environment, which breaks down or absorb the Lactic acid which is produced by cancerous cells. By this, Cancer cells lose their ability to spread and metastasize

4) To improve the Immunity which then destroys Cancerous cells.

5) There are certain herbs, like Neem which stimulates tumour suppressor pathways and compel the body to produce more tumour's death promoting ( Apoptosis) chemicals and reduce anti-apoptotic chemicals; all of these modalities lead to the death of cancerous cells and are removed from the system.

6) There are certain herbs like Tinospora which are known to arrest abnormal cell cycle, without affecting the normal cell cycle. This mode of action further reduces the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

7) Some herbs like Ashwagandha reduces budding of newer blood vessels in cancerous tissues, thereby cuts off the nourishment of cancerous tissues.

8) Some herbs like Turmeric acts blocks the effect of chemicals ( like TNF alfa) which are responsible for inflammation and Turmeric also blocks the effect of the growth factor called NF kappa -b, thereby uncontrolled multiplication is arrested.

9) Turmeric and Ashwagandha also stimulate p53 tumour suppressor pathway.

10) Some household herb like Fenugreek absorbs lactic acid and stops glucose supply to cancer cells hence they are deprived of their food and die.

What diet is recommended to a patient suffering from Cancer?

The best diet is to follow intermittent fasting or calorie restricted diet which is sufficient enough to provide all required nutrients to the body and immunity but at the same time, deprives cancer cells of their food and compel them to die. General guidelines are as follows

1) Strictly avoid all Maida and bakery products

2) No Sabudana, No vinegar, no Tobacco, No Liquor.

3) Avoid deep fried food

4) Avoid late night dinner ( dinner should be over by 7 pm)

5) No raw food or salad, especially when on chemotherapy

6) Minimum intake of Sugar with one or two days of " NO sugar" per week in any form (Which means no White/ brown sugar, No Jaggery, No honey, No fruit juices, no Carrot or beetroot juice)

7) Once a week fasting as per the advice of expert Vaidya.

Frequently asked queries?

1) Are there any steroids in the Herbal medicines - No, we do not do such kind of unscrupulous or non-ethical practice. My drugs can be tested and subjected to any kind of test for that matter.

2) Are these drugs safe during Chemotherapy- There are certain reports, published in good journals, which has proven the good effect of chemotherapy when combined with herbal treatment. ( Care to be taken that herbal treatment should be of standardized quality and should not be given on the day of injectable chemotherapy, rest it can be given. It also depends on stage and type of cancer, so final decision to be taken only after discussing every pros and cons). There are various clinical studies indicating that if standardized herbal preparations of Curcumin, Ashwagandha are given along with chemotherapy, results are better. Many chemoresistant cancers respond very well when supplemented with Curcumin, Ashwagandha and Tinospora cordifolia.

3) Can herbal therapy replace or avoid chemotherapy- No, one should follow complete modern protocol as it is. Herbal treatment is mainly given to as chemo adjuvant to improve the immunity and mitochondrial function as stated above.

4) Can Ayurveda treatment avoid surgery and radiation- All of you will be surprised to read the fact that, in Ayurveda, which was written 3000 years B.C., it is clearly mentioned that first line of treatment of Cancer is to surgically remove it and then to " Burn" the margins, this concept is similar to today's modern protocol of Surgery followed by Radiation. So any tumour, if operable, should be removed promptly by an expert Onco-Surgeon.

5) What is Chemoprevention? This term was coined by Dr Michel Sporm, in 1976. Chemopreventive are drugs, natural or Synthetic, which have potential to Reverse, Suppress and or Prevent the further growth of cancer. I advise various such Chemopreventive herbs and ways to many normal people and also to cancer patients.



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AYURVEDA TO CURE DENGUE FEVER :) Natural Herbs has proved its efficacy in treating such deadly diseases like DENGUE successfully without any side effects. Lets create awareness and spread world wide this piece of knowledge, so that it may help to save a life. Dengue Fever :- Ayurvedic Name: Dandak Jwara Other Names: Dandy fever, Three-day fever, Breakbone fever. What's is a Dengue Fever? Dengue fever is a disease caused by one of a number of viruses. These viruses are spread by the bite of mosquitoes and are transmitted to the human body. The disease is very common in tropical and subtropical areas of the world (including some islands in the Caribbean, Mexico, most countries of South and Central America, the Pacific, Asia and parts of tropical Africa). In these locations, the dengue fever arbovirus is endemic, meaning that the dengue fever virus naturally and consistently lives in that location and the virus are not carried by mosquitoes. Who gets Dengue Fever? Dengue fever can occur to people of all ages. Children usually have a milder disease than adults. What's are the causes of Dengue Fever ? When a mosquito carrying dengue fever virus bites a healthy human, the virus travels in the blood stream and then starts multiplying itself in the whole body. Dengue fever is not contagious, which means one person cannot pass it directly to another. Dengue fever is also a type of arbovirus, which is short for arthropod-borne virus. The main virus causing dengue fever is carried by a mosquito named "Aedes aegypti" which transmits the virus to humans through its bite. An organism that carries a disease, without actually developing the disease itself, is called a vector. Aedes aegypti works as a vector for transmitting the disease. An another cause for dengue fever is a virus name flaviviruses. More than 100 million cases of dengue fever occur every year in a whole world. A little bit percent of these develop into dengue hemorrhagic fever. It is possible for a traveler who has returned to the United States to pass the infection to someone who has not traveled. Risk factors for dengue hemorrhagic fever include having antibodies to dengue virus from prior infection and being younger than 12, female, or Caucasian. What's are the symptoms of Dengue Fever? The symptoms of dengue fever are generally seen in around three days after transition of virus to humans through mosquitoes bite and after that patient starts feeling very weak. Dengue fever, however, is not a fatal disease. Dengue fever may vary on an individual basis for each patient. One should always remember before looking for treatment that over-medication in dengue fever is likely to lead to further complications and some times it may also turn slight serious. A mild attack of the fever may pass off without having to administer any medicine. Some of the main symptoms of dengue fever are listed below: Dengue fever usually starts suddenly with a rapidly climbing high fever, that's why the temperature in dengue fever is called a 'saddleback' type temperature. severe headaches. Retro-orbital pain behind the eye. nausea & vomiting. loss of appetite. rashes develop on the feet or legs 3 to 4 days after the beginning of the fever. Swelling and pain in muscles and joints. The joint pain in the body has given dengue fever the name that is "breakbone fever".The common symptoms of dengue fever may go in around 10 days, but complete recovery from dengue fever can take more than a month. Herbal Treatments for Dengue Fever There is no specific treatment for the treatment of classical dengue fever, and like most people you will also recover completely within 2 weeks with only natural herbs. For severe dengue symptoms, including shock and coma, early and aggressive emergency treatment with fluid and electrolyte replacement can be lifesaving. Some treatment options that may enhance the curing of classical dengue fever are listed: 1)Papaya (Carica Papaya) Juice is the most effective cure for dengue fever. Papaya leaf juice plays a vital role in the restoration of platelets. Carica Papaya juice is a tonic for heart and also used for the treatment of fever, pyrexia, syphilis, diabetes, gonorrhoea, and also for dressing foul wounds. 2) Mix 360 mg of Shunthi Churna with 125 mg of Hinguleshwar and now take this mixture at least 4 times daily, you may take with tea or hot water. If case the temperature of the patient rises beyond 104°F (40°C), then you may apply cold pad, on the forehead till the temperature subsides. 3) Another strong antiviral herb is Ocimum sanctum (holy tulsi), you can directly consume 10-15 leaves of Ocimum sanctum 3-4 times daily, or you can prepare basil tea by boiling 15-20 leaves of basil along with 4-5 black pepper and 50 gm. of Fenugreek. 4) Giloy or Amrita is an anti-inflammatory (that reduces inflammation) and antipyretic (that reduce fever) herb.his wonderful Ayurvedic herb helps in raising the efficiency of protective WBC (white blood cells) and builds up the body's own protection mechanism known as immune system. It is used as an immunity booster in certain ailments like jaundice, hepatic fibrosis and seasonal fevers. Giloy or Amrita has proved very effective in preventing fibrous changes and promoting regeneration of the liver. It is a very good and helpful diuretic agent that helps removing renal stones and reducing urea from the blood. Giloy has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, and anti-allergic actions. Pure extract derived from the dried herb is called the ‘Guduchi Ghana Satva' or Giloy Satva. It is a very fine powder that carries great abilities of the herb Guduchi. The positive thing about Guduchi Satva is that even in minor doses, it works miraculously. 5) The best remedy is to take white inner bark of Neem (Neem antarchaal), Rasont (Daruhaldi) and Satva Giloy, all in equal quantity, ½ tsp with warm water. This protects from all types of infectious fevers. 6) Juice of 1ft. long branch of Giloy and seven leaves of Tulsi; boiled and taken as a herbal drink enhances body’s resistance level up to three times. It also increases platelets count, which decreases considerably in Dengue fever. Cure Dengue Fever Naturally With Natural Herbal Extracts - A Complete Package Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit - To Know More About It Contacts Now :- Regards Dr. Vipul Sharma


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4 Little Known Facts About Hair Transplant

Aging is a natural process that affects every individual throughout their lifespan. This natural process brings with itself an array of changes that include wrinkling of skin, greying of the hairs and eventually, hair fall. While the process itself cannot be avoided or slowed down, the changes itself can be stopped, if not reverted.

10824470652?profile=originalHair transplant surgery is an innovative way to reverse hair fall and treat other hair related problems like male pattern baldness and alopecia. While the procedure was reserved for the most exclusive class of people and celebrities in the past, more and more people have been jumping into the wagon, persuaded by the promising hair transplant Results.

Here are a few Hair Transplant facts that you might not have known:

Hair Transplants are a Permanent Solution

Hair Transplant procedure is a permanent solution to address your hair fall and balding problems. Essentially, your own hair is transplanted throughout the head, thus masking the problem areas. There is a certain degree of commitment when it comes to hair transplant procedure. You cannot simply get rid of the results as easily as you can take off a wig. A reputed hair transplant doctor in Delhi recommends that you should go for a consultation before you commit to the surgical procedure.

Post-Surgery Care is Essential

DermaClinix, which is a popular hair transplant clinic in Delhi offers consultation with dermatologists of repute who can advise the patients about the pre-op and post-op care which is an essential part of the procedure. While hair transplant procedure is not a major surgery, there is still some scarring and proper care of the transplanted area needs to be taken to make sure it does not get infected. In case of any blisters or infection, immediate medical attention should be sought.

There are Many Types of Hair Transplant Procedures

There are different procedures in hair transplantation, two of the most used ones being FUT or a strip strategy and FUE, also known as Follicular Unit Extraction. The FUT is honed broadly because of its cost viability; however, it leaves a scar which can be successfully covered by the hair specialist by methods for a "Trichophytic closure". With this sort of conclusion, hair develops along the scar line in this way concealing it. FUE is a non-surgical tool or no suture method which is prescribed for the individuals who might want to keep the shorter length of hair and leaves a far better result than FUT. In this process, each follicle is individually harvested from the back of the head and transplanted on to the problem sites.

Adjust Your Expectations

10824470087?profile=originalHair transplantation does not necessarily leave you with a head brimming with thick and luscious hair. Hair transplant results will differ as indicated by the sort of hair, the degree of sparseness and the measure of hair accessible in the benefactor territory and a myriad other factors which would vary from individual to individual. Hence, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before opting for a hair transplant procedure.

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Three Advantages of Open Rhinoplasty

#cosmeticsurgery, #nosejob, #noseplasticsurgery, #nosesurgery, #nosesurgerycost, #plasticsurgery, #openrhinoplasty, #closedrhinoplasty, #rhinoplasty, #rhinoplastycostinindia, #rhinoplastysurgeons, #Delhi, #India, #VasantVihar

Open Rhinoplasty is one of the methods to perform nose surgery. In this technique, cartilages of the nose are exposed by removing the back of the skin. This is where a small incision is made on the columella by the surgeon. It is the column of the skin between the two nostrils. Several additional incisions are made inside the nose. In most cases, external incisions are made in a zigzag pattern so that it is inconspicuous from plain sight.

When your plastic surgeon is performing an open nose surgery, the lower third of the nose is visible. The cartilage at the tip and the lower part of the nose are the parts on which the surgeon works. Once the surgeon has access to the cartilages, he can reduce, modify and reshape them.

There are several advantages that are related to open rhinoplasty.  Here are some of the many benefits associated with open nose surgery.

Allows improvement of the nasal in severe and complex cases

Given that the surgeon is able to visible the entire nasal structure, the nasal tip cartilage can be easily modified and reshaped by sight and not feel.

Placement of the cartilage graft becomes easy

Grafting is done using cartilage from other body parts, namely behind the ear, for building a nasal bridge. This surgery can be performed easily with an open nose surgery method. It is primarily because of this reason that grafting is usually done in open nose surgeries then closed nasal surgery. The surgeon has better control when it comes to the placement of the graft and chances of graft movement are less. This method might also be the much better option for a revision nose surgery procedure depending on what has to be corrected.

It is easy to perform open nose surgery than the closed rhinoplasty method

By exposing and accessing the cartilages of the nose to make the internal parts of the nose visible, it will be much easier for the plastic surgeon to perform the surgery. It becomes possible for the surgeon to understand the anatomy and make necessary changes.

It is these above-mentioned advantages that make open rhinoplasty highly popular among plastic surgeons. If you are thinking of undergoing nose surgery in India then you can be assured of getting the most effective and lasting results. The cost of open nose surgery In India is lesser in comparison to other parts of the world.

For more details about rhinoplasty surgery please visit:

You can send your photographs and medical report

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Best Diet Plan To Cure High Level Of Urea And Creatinine - Avoid Kidney Failure and Dialysis

Diet Plan:

A higher concentration of the creatinine is due to a disorder of the kidney. So, it is better for us to decrease the load upon the kidneys. Kidney acts to maintain normal balance of water and electrolytes in our body. Some modifications in the diet are necessary, such a reduction of intake of protein, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

Low protein diet is recommended to reduce creatinine level.

Person should reduce the intake of water or fluid also. Restriction of sodium reduces the pressure of the blood as well as reduces the chances of peripheral edema. Person should be restricted to eat high potassium containing dietary supplements such as tomato, potato, nuts and chocolates. Person should be restricted from eating high concentration of phosphorus food supplements such as dairy products including milk, curd, cheese, shellfish, nuts, pork, soyabean foods,etc.

The daily requirement of the protein for an adult is 1 gram per kilogram body weight per day. A child and pediatric age group need more protein as compared to adults because protein is an essential element for bone growth. People should avoid sodium rich foods such as salt, baking soda, cured meat and fish, cheese, pickles, instant soups, roasted and salted seeds and nuts, snacks, fast food such as egg products and ham biscuits, canned vegetables, etc.

There are many varieties of fruits and vegetables that are advised in kidney diseases. They are:

It is advisable to take peaches, broccoli, onion, grapes, cabbage, pepper, cherries, cauliflower, apples, celery, berries, cucumber, pineapple, eggs, plums, green beans, tangerine, lettuce, watermelon and pears.
Restrict the intake of oranges and orange juice, asparagus, nectarines, avocado, kiwi fruit, raisins or other dried fruits, bananas, cooked spinach, potatoes, cantaloupe, honeydew, pumpkin, prunes, etc.

See Herbal Remedies :

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#necklift, #platysmaplastyprocedure, #cosmeticsurgery, #medicaltourism, #affordablecost, #bestclinic, #medicaltourismindia, #plasticsurgeon

For persons who have prominent muscles band or loose skin around the neck, a neck lift surgery can do wonders. Not only it enhances appearance but also boosts the confidence. It is counted among the popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world. An increasing number of people are opting for it to improve their look. The results of this procedure are outstanding adding to its popularity.

The Neck Lift surgery tightens the excess skin causing self-consciousness and occasionally annoyance in people too. If you have a lax skin in the area around the neck that makes you look unattractive then you this is just the perfect remedy for you. Some people consider lower facelifts in combination with the neck lift for tightening the loose skin so that they can appear young and rejuvenated.

For those who have minor problems, completely non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures might be considered. However, it is important to know that only a neck lift procedure would help you achieve the desired goal with changes that will last for many years to come.  The plastic surgeon tailors each procedure according to the individual need of the patient. Each patient is different so are his or her objectives of undergoing this procedure. The procedure lifts and tightens the skin around the neck in an effective way.

Make sure you look for an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon who has the speciality in performing this procedure. Not only do they pay attention to the individual needs and goals, but also recommend the best approach for getting rid of the problem.  They will advise you on your options so that the best approach can be selected for you. No cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure can cease the natural process of ageing and its effects on the skin. However, cosmetic surgery procedures can slow down time in an effective way.

With the advancement in the medical world, there has come some dramatic changes in the treatment approach. Of all parts of the world, India is one country that has caught the attention of people who want to undergo plastic surgery procedures. The medical tourism in India is witnessing a new horizon with more and more people thronging to the country to benefit from a range of plastic surgery procedures, neck lift surgery being the one. In recent years, the country has become home to some of the world renowned and leading plastic surgeons. You can get the best results for neck lift surgery in India at an affordable cost. The cosmetic surgeons along with the staff make sure that patients get the quality care and comfort before, during and after the surgery.

Get Opinion, Quote, Medical Visa Invitation and Assistance at Every Step of Your Treatment in India. You can send photographs and medical report at:


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Are you bored with how your skin appears? Well, there are techniques to give it a new life. Your skin’s natural baby look can be back with techniques like chemical peels. It is a technique that can improve the appearance of your skin. A chemical solution is put on the skin. It causes the skin to exfoliate and later beef off. The new skin looks smooth and it is free from wrinkles. The new skin is more sensitive to the sun on a temporary basis.

There are three types of chemical peel:

  1. Superficial peels- Superficial peel is designed to help smooth rough, dry skin, improve the texture of sun-damaged skin, and even out skin tone. The recovery is generally rapid and usually consists of minor flaking.
  2. Medium peel- Medium peels often contain higher levels stronger acids. Glycolic acid is put on the skin so as to penetrate the middle layers of skin. It removes damaged skin cells. This is good for pigmentation, scars, acne scars, wrinkles and uneven skin.
  3. Deep Peels-Deep peels produce the most dramatic results. This peel is recommended for treating wrinkles, scars, blemishes and, in some cases, precancerous skin lesions.

What must be done before considering a chemical peel?

It is always advisable to consult a dermatologist first before taking up the decision to try a chemical peel.

Chemical peel treatment is effective for:

  • Pigmentation
  • Acne
  • Acne Scars
  • Detaining
  • Fine Lines
  • Dull Skin
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Minor scarring

For more details about Chemical Peels Treatment visit:

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How to Get Hard Thick Erections – 6 Simple Ways To Try Out :)

# Overview of #Erection

Having an ability to get a strong and long-lasting, hard thick erections is a necessity for a better sex life. Man wants it to satisfy their partner in bed and the woman wants a man with hard thick erections to get sexual satisfaction from her man.

However, many men struggle to get hard thick erections, and as a result, they have a miserable sex life. It’s a big problem for both men and women. There are many causes of marital problems, and one of the most common causes is a sexual disorder.

#Erectile #dysfunction could range from mild dysfunction to severe dysfunction. Whether you are struggling with mild erectile dysfunction or a severe erectile dysfunction, you should do something about it to solve this problem.

1. Stop Smoking

2. Lose Some Extra Pounds

3. Spend at Least 30 Minutes of Your Time in Workouts

4. Careful Selection of Diet

5. Avoid Stress

6. Take a Good Nap

7. Use Arogyam Pure Herbs Kit For Sexual weakness

Any Issue Consult Now :


Arogyam Pure Herbs

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Bariatric surgery or “gastric bypass” surgery has become very attractive and fashionable recently with a number of people choosing it as an option to lose weight. But if you think it is a permanent and magical solution to your obese body, you might be making a mistake. It comes with an array of side effects and limitations you must be aware of to choose it and let it yield the expected results. Also, you cannot go for it just to have a sleek slender body. Bariatric surgery is suggested only for morbidly obese people whose BMI are 40 or above. For obesity-related complications like diabetes and hypertension, people with BMI between 35-40 can also go for it on doctor’s suggestion.    

Before we talk about the after-results of bariatric surgery, let’s get to know briefly, what it is.

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure performed on obese people to help them reduce weight. It is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach by binding it with a gastric band or by removing a portion of the stomach. It can also involve re-routing of the small intestine to the stomach.

Bariatric surgery has yielded significantly good results in correction of overweight and other related health issues. Though, it comes with a combination of benefits and side effects.

The benefits

  • Weight loss: The main purpose of the surgery is attained as the people continue to lose significant weight for at least 18 to 36 months.
  • Overall Improved Health: Obesity-related complications like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea seem to improve.
  • Increased Self-esteem: Goodness of physical health reflects mentally as well with more self-confidence and an elated spirit. Freedom from other health issues also makes the person more jovial.
  • Less Anxiety: People have claimed to be more active, and less anxious with decreased feeling of depression after the surgery.  

Complications and Side-Effects

  • Re-learn to Eat: The surgery makes you re-learn how to eat when to eat, and how much to eat which might go dramatically different from your earlier “years-long habit”.
  • Nausea: You might feel nauseated after consuming food rich in carbohydrate and sugar. However, this is good as it will help you choose nutrient-dense food keeping you away from weight increasing dietary culprits.
  • Deficiency of Vitamins and Minerals: Since the person remains in a highly restrictive diet, deficiency of vitamins and minerals is possible. One might need to be on supplementations for lifelong. Doctors usually suggest an appropriate diet plan customized to individual’s dietary requirement.
  • Incisional Hernia: It does not always happen, but incomplete healing of the surgical wound might lead to post-operative incisional hernia.

In your day-to-day life, you might start feeling full even after eating less due to the reduced stomach size. Some other downsides include digestion issues, dental problems, and sagging skin. However, every post-operative complication can be managed well if post-operative diagnoses is followed and scheduled visit to the doctor is made.

Bariatric surgery has improved a number of lives struggling with obesity by offering effective results. It again gives a chance to live healthier and stronger. Following the doctor’s suggestion and maintaining a disciplined life is needed to reap the expected results.

Find your nearest bariatric surgeon or a general physician near you and book online appointment.

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#nose #rhinoplasty #delhi #india

The world is mostly consumed by the need of looking brilliant. Unfortunately, if someone of not born that way, then it cannot be helped. Of course a great solution has been brought forward to keep this problem at bay.

This is known as the cosmetic surgery. This helps people with the exact features as they want for themselves. However there are an en number of cosmetic surgeries for sure. And the best sought after nevertheless is that of the rhinoplasty.

This is a surgery that is mostly opted by celebrities who always have to stay in the limelight. Also many commoners have followed this trend and got through with excellent results for sure.

Types of rhinoplasty:

There are 4 types of rhinoplasty that people usually have to face. One of these is though not a surgery. This is called as the rhinoplasty fillers. In this process, there are few fillers that are pushed in the noses.

This help people in ensuring that they are getting the shape that they want. But then again, this process is only applicable when filling of the nose is necessary and not when the shape needs complete makeover.

The open rhinoplasty is one of the most opted for process as it helps the plastic surgeons exceptionally well. One must completely realize that in this surgery the nose and its complete structure is opened up and operated on.

The closed rhinoplasty on the other hand demands invisibility. And is done from the inside of the nose. This can be a bit problematic but then again is also available for sure. The 4th surgery is though the corrective rhinoplasty.

This surgery can absolutely guarantee the best results when it comes to the second time!

When must one opt for this?

The corrective surgery is also known as the secondary surgery. This surgery is only opted for when the patient has already once been through this procedure for sure. One must completely realize that the rhinoplasty can help people in more than one possible way.

But then again the below are the few conditions that may force the people to get through with this surgery the second time:

Bad surgery:

Often the result of wrong surgeon selection, this bad surgery is one very important reason why many choose this surgery. Of course, the people must make sure that they in fact have the idea why this surgery went wrong in the first time.


There may be an unfortunate incident where the people may get through with an accident unfortunately after they already have a rhinoplasty surgery done. In this scenario they will only have to go through with a corrective surgery.

One must be careful when it comes to choosing the surgeons. This will absolutely save them a trip to the surgeons a second time.

Get Opinion, Quote, Medical Visa Invitation and Assistance at Every Step of Your Treatment in India. You can send medical report or your query at: or you can call us at: +91-9958221983


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What can plastic surgery offers men?


The use of Botox, which will weaken the overactive muscles between the brows and around the eyes, can prevent the deep furrows of the skin thus smoothing the appearance. This agent can be employed to hide some of the muscle bands in the neck as well.

Filler agents, such as Voluma, can be easily injected into areas of programmed fat atrophy which occurs in aging and results in the cheek falling, causing accentuation of the cheek folds and may produce hanging on the jaw line. Voluma, which is a highly crosslinked stiff hyaluronic acid filler, can manage to lift the cheek without making the face look fat.

Rhinoplasty: This is the art and science of the interactions of skin, bone and cartilage of the nose to provide an aesthetically appealing appearance with normal function. Rhinoplasty is a very meticulous surgery with the goal of providing a balanced appearance between the various components of the nose as well as creating harmony with the rest of the face. This surgery can provide a real boost to someone's appearance and self-esteem.

Eyelid Rejuvenation: Do people say you look tired? Do your lids hang over your eyes giving the appearance of sleepiness? Do you have puffy lower eyelids giving you a less vibrant persona? Then you may want to consider eyelid surgery to give you a refreshed look. It's been said that the eyes are the windows into the soul; so don't have outdated window treatments. The surgery is mildly uncomfortable with swelling being the biggest issue related to return of feeling comfortable in social situations. Careful consultation with your surgeon is required to avoid complications depending on the anatomy of your eyelids. People will notice the refreshed look after the recovery has taken place.

In summary, plastic surgery offers men many options to consider. It's not just for women anymore. For more in-depth discussions of procedures or surgery, visit or call 919958221983 to schedule your personal consultation with me.

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Increasing body weight is a major health issue faced by many people. Unhealthy and incorrect lifestyle can be the major cause of this issue. It is essential to have a systematic schedule for consumption of food, regular exercise and enough physical and mental rest to avoid fat depositions in our body. Usually our tight schedule and professional and personal commitments don’t let us to find time for ourselves. We usually skip a meal and rely on junk food. Even we hardly find time for regular jogging, bicycling or visiting gyms for taking sufficient exercise. We either don’t get enough deep sleep or our sleeping hours are altered as per work load. We hardly get a balanced diet and usually include too oily, fried, fatty and sweet delicacies irregularly for our daily food. These habits lead us to fatty and curvy contours of our body.

You can book your appointment with Dr. Ajaya Kashyap Plastic Surgeon in South Delhi, India Contact Number – +91-9958221983/82/81.

It is better if we stick to a healthy schedule before it’s too late. When the issue of obesity would be irreversible by regular exercise and control on diet, doctors would advise us to go for cosmetic surgery to remove fat deposits from various parts of our body.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that liposuction surgeons plan and execute after complete diagnosis of patient. This surgery is performed to remove fat deposits from various parts of patient’s body using several methods.

Good liposuction clinic would have all the necessary equipment and subsequent laboratory for conducting tests, preparing injectable solutions during surgical process and state-of-the-art operation theatre to perform cosmetic surgeries.

Conventional liposuction procedure is carried out using cannula that is stainless steel equipment inserted under skin over muscles to suck fat deposits through a suction pump or a large syringe. Apart from this there are some advanced surgical methods such as vaser liposuction that uses ultrasonic sound frequencies for breaking and loosening fat deposits along with injection of a saline solution that is helpful in liquefying fat, avoid blood flow and provide pain relief to patients during the surgery.

Get Opinion, Quote, Medical Visa Invitation and Assistance at Every Step of Your Treatment in India. You can send medical report at: or you can call us at: +91-9958221983


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With the kind of lifestyle and environment that we all live in this age, it is not that hard to get some kind of disease. However, thankfully the medical sciences have progressed a lot in the last few years. Because of this, there are a lot of treatment methods available for the various diseases that can be acquired by an individual.


However, the cost of those treatment methods cannot be afforded by everybody in various countries all over the world. But medical tourism has enabled a lot of people from all over the world to get their treatment done in India at much lesser costs. This is a rather favourable and reliable option.

There are various reasons why an individual might choose to get their treatment done in India. The most important reasons include the kind of treatment services that one get in the top ten private hospitals in India. Some other treatment benefits are mentioned below.

1 . The Medical Attention From A Qualified Team

The medical attention that an individual receives during his or her treatment is one of the most important factors while selecting the hospital in which an individual wants to get their treatment done at. It can be safely said that a patient who is getting treated at one of the top ten private hospitals in India will not just receive the medical attention of a medical professional. Instead, that patient will have a whole team of dedicated doctors working on their case. This is one of the factors that ensure a patient recovers successfully from the disease or medical condition that they might be suffering from.

2. The Pre-Departure Services

The best hospitals in India further provide the pre-departure services. These services include consultations, travel arrangement, and other services that an international patient might require.

3. The Highest Quality Hospital Rooms

A lot of rooms in the best hospitals in India are fully furnished with the most advanced devices that technology has to offer to us. These rooms further have the best furniture and electrical appliances which ensures that a patient stays in the most comfortable environment. This is done to ensure that patients can have a speedy and a super comfortable recovery.

4. The Unmatched Luxuries

The best hospitals in India have coffee shops, spas, and various recreational centres situated within them. This is done to ensure that the individuals accompanying the patient have things to keep themselves occupied with and that those individuals further do not worry too much about the patient.

5. The Post Discharge Services

The best hospitals in India ensure that their patients do not have to worry about their travelling or living arrangements after the treatment is done. This is why most of the best hospitals further provide the post-discharge services.

These are all the major world-class treatment services that you can expect to receive at the best private hospitals in India.

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Every living being are made out of cells, and the human body does not make a special case. The life of cells relies upon a complex of metabolic exercises managed by the take-up of supplements and by the gathering of extracellular signs that are brought by concoction mixes of different nature and root. In higher life forms, like people, physiological flag atoms are known as hormones, development factors, cytokines, and neurotransmitters. These mixes can manage or change the metabolic exercises of the cell, and their unending activity is fundamental for the survival of cells, and consequently of the entire life form.

Since the ancient times, people have begun to comprehend that numerous normal sources, similar to minerals, plants, and creatures, can give solutions for different sorts of dysfunctions. Notwithstanding, it has been just in the twentieth century that the advancement of current science has enabled us to comprehend the synthetic structure of numerous common standards utilized for restorative purposes.

Plants and other organic sources, for example, parasites, green growth, and cyanobacteria, are capable to incorporate an incredibly tremendous arrangement of substance compounds. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, which are available in huge amounts in various tissues of natural life forms, can assume a fundamental part as supplements, while they have a generally bring down significance as medications. Alkaloids, terpenoids, and flavonoids then again demonstrate an all the more ground-breaking bioactivity as far as medicinal medications. These mixes are by and large created as auxiliary metabolites by source creatures, and are predominantly engaged with defensive parts, for example, UV radiation screening, free radical searching, antimicrobial movement, furthermore, unpleasant impacts. The different synthetic structures found in optional metabolites oblige an uncommonly extensive variety of organic exercises applied by these synthetic compounds on the cells of warm blooded animals, and of humans, specifically.

Skin is a macro organ, and it is always affected by environmental issue. The utilization of beauty care products to skin is for the most part has no remedial approach. But, you definitely have a good remedy with herbal skin care products, the prominent ones being even skin tone face wash.

Benefits of Even Skin Tone Face Wash

Here are a few benefits of even tone cream that are going to make ultimate difference:

  • Cleanses the skin of dark spots, red spots and acne scars
  • Cleans the spottiness on your skin surface
  • Evens out the tone of your facial skin and your skin looks brighter than ever
  • Improves the pesky skin problems such as fine lines etc.
  • Helps in keeping the skin tone firm and tight
  • With herbal even tone cream you do not have to go through any kind skin reactions
  • You reap the benefits of clear skin tone and amazing confidence

Shop around for a while and find out the best even skin tone face wash. Make sure, it is herbal in nature and is resourceful too. Since there are many types of herbal preparations available in the even tone cream, the choice you make should work beneficially on your skin.


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How Effective is Laser Hair Removal?

If you are sick the ingrown hairs, razor bumps or the furry fuzz, then laser hair removal treatments might be worth considering. While shaving can be a quick option to remove the unwanted hair, the result lasts a day or two. Similarly, the effects of waxing also last for a maximum of two weeks, or three, if you are especially lucky. In case you are looking for a permanent solution to your problem, best laser hair removal in Delhi might be the way to go.

Although the whole treatment might sound a little too magical, the process is actually quite tactical. The hair pigments absorb the laser and as the heat builds up gradually, it seeps down to the core of the hair follicle and destroys it thereby limiting the hair growth. However, even though there are many DIY techniques or at home kits, you should only opt for the best laser hair removal clinic in Delhi to avoid any complications such as burns or irritation.


A well-known dermatologist in Delhi claims that it is not possible to get the advertised images in a single session owing to the fact that hairs grow in cycles. There is a resting phase when the hairs cannot be detected by the pulses of the laser as well as the falling-out phase. It is during the growth phase of the hair when it responds the most to laser hair removal treatment which is why there is a need for multiple sessions spanning over months.

The process is far from painful with the constants zaps from the laser feeling like the static energy that you feel when touching a synthetic sweater on a cold morning. The level of pain depends on the individual’s pain threshold but it surely doesn’t exceed waxing your full body laser hair removal.

The results of the whole process depending on the kind of hair you have as well as the number of sessions you’ve taken. The results are the most satisfactory for individuals with lighter skin and dark hair who has undergone at least six to eight sessions of treatment.


The most advantageous aspect of laser hair removal treatment is its precision. You can target a specific area such as the bikini region and can selectively choose to remove the hair from only that part without affecting the surrounding skin. It is also extremely fast and long-lasting.

There might be slight redness or bumps following the treatment, however, once the redness clears out, you can be assured to be left with hairless and soft baby skin.

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Quite a few adults in their 40s start facing problems with their vision. In most of the cases, they are not able to see or read anything at a very close distance. This causes major inconvenience to them in their daily routine life and even while working at home or office. The main sign that you are developing presbyopia is, when you need to hold a book, newspaper or mobile phone farther from your eyes to read what is written on it clearly.


This problem is scientifically known as presbyopia and usually requires bifocal lenses to correct the same. Bifocal lenses help people suffering from this problem have clear vision at all distances through the usage of lenses of two different prescriptions together. An eye doctor can help you diagnose this condition and based on his tests prescribe the correct prescription number of glasses or lenses you need to wear to address the problem. While glasses are a handy solution to this problem, some people may not be comfortable in using the same, especially if they have never worn glasses before in their life.

Glasses need proper handling and care especially while travelling, since they are prone to damage. People also need to be able to adjust to the habit of wearing glasses daily and accepting how it changes the way they look. Luckily, the eye doctors nowadays can also prescribe bifocal contact lenses that can be used without any inconvenience. The wearer may a little a different in the beginning, but the convenience they offer is worth the effort and time you take to adjust to them.

What is a Bifocal contact lens?

These lenses are designed to provide clear vision to people who face refractive errors or are also experiencing age related eye vision problems such as presbyopia. There are two types of bifocal contact lenses available based on their design. One of the designs is similar to the design of eye glasses with a distinct separate section for each prescription; i.e. the near and the far one. This type of lens is known as a segmented bifocal lens with the lower part of the lens being made for the near prescription and the upper part for the distance viewing prescription.

The second type of bifocal lens has a concentric design, with the centre part making up the normal distance vision lens and the outer part making up the near prescription lens. Both these lens types have been around for many years and people adapt one based on their personal convenience in using them and how comfortable they feel in them.

The contact lenses however offer a distinct advantage over glasses and are therefore preferred by many people. People using the bifocal contact lenses for the first time need some time to get used to and it may be couple of weeks before it becomes a habit for them. Adequate precaution also needs to be taken when using contact lenses, to avoid any form of eye infection. An eye infection usually occurs when the lens get contaminated when they are touched with dirty hands or when the contact lens liquid used to store them is dirty.

This leads to the growth of bacteria on the lens which can cause major eye infections when they come in contact with the eyes. To avoid all these problems most of the eye doctors prescribe using daily or weekly disposable lenses, which should be worn only for the period recommended on them and then discarded. It is also advised to wash the hands before putting and removing the contact lenses in the eyes.

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10824467878?profile=originalUntil some years back, cosmetic surgery was thought to be reserved for women only. But now there are a number of plastic surgery for men, which most men nowadays opt taking.   

The most popular procedures for men are:


A nose job may reduce or increase the size of your nose and it can change its angle or shape. The surgery is done within the nostrils, called closed rhinoplasty or it may be done between the nostrils by lifting the skin and this is called open rhinoplasty.  

The type of surgery will depend on the area to be treated. In case the bump at the bridge has to be operated on, your surgeon should remove the cartilage and bone which caused the bump. The nose will then be broken so that the remaining pieces may be put closer.  

If it is about changing how long the nose is, then your surgeon may adjust or reduce the septum. This helps in shrinking the tip of your nose and to reduce its length.   

Otoplasty or ear correction

This is a surgery meant to work on the ear cartilage so that the ear may lie near the head. The operation will be done on the ears which mean that a small scar can be left near the glove found at the side of your head or between the ears. The procedure is done using local anesthesia.

Blepharoplasty or eye reduction

As people grow up, the decreased elasticity within the skin will make the skin to look loose and it will have folds at the upper eyelids. It will form deepening creases at the lower lids. There will also be muscle under the skin which allows the fat to enter and it will make your eyes to look as if they are baggy.

Your vision will improve after blepharoplasty and it will make you look young. The lower eyelid reduction will help with the puffiness and wrinkles.

Male breast reduction

Gynecomastia is the result of glandular tissue which is dense and firm. If the problem is caused by fatty cells, then the doctor will do liposuction. If the problem is because of the glandular tissue, the doctor will cut the tissue out using an incision near the nipple edge.

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10824467682?profile=originalIt is now possible to get rid of the spider veins with the use of laser treatment. This treatment will improve how you look and it comes with many benefits. The treatment can also be used to treat veins and capillaries on the nose and face.

There are different reasons that cause spider veins like heredity, pregnancy and long periods of standing. If the veins are not treated, they can continue to get enlarged and in the end, they will lead to blood clots and poor wound healing.  This is most especially if the spider veins are found on the feet and legs.

How does it work?

The laser vein treatment will target the hemoglobin which is the component of the blood that allows tracing of the blood vessels using laser light pulse. As energy from the laser gets absorbed into the blood vessels, heat will be created so the vessel wall gets destroyed. Veins die and the body clears its tissue away as it clears out a bruise. The treatment using laser will not require any downtime, it carries a low risk and there is no need to use anesthetics.  Any person, regardless of the color of the skin, can use the treatment

How long it will take to get results

The response to the treatment is different from one person to another. For some, it may take only a few days and for others, it will take months.

How many treatments you will need

It will depend on the severity and number of spider veins you have. One, two or three treatments may be enough for many patients.  

Will the veins come back after the treatment?

When the vein gets destroyed and absorbed by the body, it will be gone completely.   However, new spider veins may also develop once again. Whenever there is any new developing vein, it will be treated faster.

How much does the treatment cost?

The cost will be based on the number of veins you have and how long the doctor will take to treat them.  Some treatments can only take 15 minutes.

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How Does Botox Work?

10824467492?profile=originalBotox is the brand name of the toxin which is produced from clostridium botulinum. Other brands of the same product include Xeomin. When a small amount of botulinum toxin is diluted and then injected into the muscle, it can temporarily reduce the wrinkle-causing muscle contractions.

The FDA has approved the usage of the treatment in the 1980s since it was found out that Botox can stop problems like strabismus and blepharospasm. Doctors use Botox also to treat facial creases and wrinkles. Botox has been approved to work on other areas of the face to treat severe or moderate frown lines found between the eyebrows also known as glabellar lines. Botox can also be used on many areas of the face.

How Botox works

Botox will block the signals from the nerves within the muscle. When the muscle has been injected with Botox, it will not contract as much, which causes the wrinkles to soften and relax.  

Botox is most often used on the crow’s feet, forehead lines, and frown lines. The wrinkles which have been caused by the gravity or sun damage may not respond to the treatment.

How is the procedure done?

Giving Botox injection will take a few minutes but there is no anesthesia needed for its use. The injections are given using fine needles in the muscle and it only leads to minor discomfort. Some patients may ask for a topical anesthesia to numb the area first. It can take only three to seven days for the procedure to take its full effect and it is good to avoid taking alcohol for a week before the treatment. Anti-inflammatory medication and aspirin should also be stopped for at least two weeks of the treatment so that bruising and bleeding can be reduced.

How long will the effects last?

Botox effects can last for about four to six months. After this period, the muscle activity will return, but wrinkles and lines can be kept away with touch up sessions.

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