Vaser-Liposuction (2)


We know that word of mouth recommendations are particularly important for choosing the best liposuction surgeon. But it’s not the only criterion. Professional standing, along with recommendations weighs heavily in this choice. What you need to do is get opinions from your family doctor and other doctor acquaintances. Even surgical technicians and operating room nurses are great sources of information for chosen surgeon’s skill in the operating room.

Choose from the Best

You have to keep in mind that excellent credentials and a great rapport with your surgeon does not necessarily guarantee a favourable outcome. However, the foundation of a successful and fruitful partnership between your surgeon and you or anywhere else begins with trust and belief.

Also, when you visit their clinic, you must be made to feel at home, so your fear and apprehensions goes away easily. When you go for a plastic surgery, the first thing you look for is assurance from your doctor. When you get that, you feel you are in safe hands.

Ask a Lot of Questions and Put all your Doubts at Rest

After ensuring that the surgeon you’re considering to meet lives up to the professional criteria, the next step, is to sit down with the liposuction surgeon or the people who matter at the clinic. This is the time for you to bring up your concerns and ask all your questions. The questions may be as follows,

  1. What is the doctor’s area of expertise?
  2. How long has she/he been practicing or his experience in this arena?
  3. If the procedure is not performed at the surgeon’s office, does he use a certified surgical facility with board-certified anesthesiologists and state-of-the-art emergency equipment and anesthesia monitoring devices?
  4. How much would you need to pay or what your final bill, which includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia charges, operating room charges and other misllaneous charges?
  5. Would you be allowed to see the before and after images of other patients? Are the computer images available for you and your surgeon to view together, so that you can gauge how you are going to look post the surgery?
  6. Is the surgery necessary and what are the long-term implications?

What are the Points you need to worry about?

Sometimes you might find something amiss or a few points which bother you and stop you from going ahead with the surgery. Here are a couple of possible scenarios that you need to stay away from:

  1. The surgeon doesn’t regularly perform the procedure you are considering.
  2. He or she is not bothered about discussing possible complications.
  3. The surgeon will avoid taking questions from you about the results of the surgery.
  4. The surgeon will be unwilling to show you before and after photos of the previous patients.
  5. The clinic will offer bargain fees or gimmicks, about which you may not be entirely convinced.
  6. The surgeon is also not routinely involved in postoperative care when it comes to these kinds of cosmetic procedures.

Think of Seeking a Second Opinion

Even after you have zeroed in on a doctor and a procedure, you may still not be entirely convinced and would need a second opinion. This will reassure you about your final decision. So, only when you are entirely convinced about your surgery and your surgeon, should you go ahead with the gynecomastia surgery or any other treatment in south Delhi, India.

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Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures.  A large number of people spread across the globe prefer it for several reasons. Although it is a beautifying procedure, it is important for you to know that is surgical one too. It should be performed only by well--trained, experienced and expert surgeon.  In the recent years, some spas have added liposuction as a service along with several other services such as massages, manicures. When done correctly, it can offer quick recovery too. In order to experience fruits from liposuction in Delhi, make sure that you look for a board certified and experienced surgeon, who has been performing it for last many years. 

Although the entire stuff might sound nice, remember that liposuction, when done in spa, is not at all safe procedure. It should always be performed in a liposuction clinic or in a hospital. In all possibilities, the liposuction clinic or hospital should be accredited and surgeon be board certified in performing cosmetic surgery procedures. In addition, he should also have hands-on training in performing liposuction procedure.   

Often it happens that people get swayed away with low-cost procedures without even thinking of consequences that can come along. if liposuction is not performed correctly then its consequences can be more costly, both on your health and pocket. If you choose an untrained and uncertified doctor or professional for performing this surgery, you run the risk of the following:

  • Scarring on the body and face
  • Infection
  • Unnatural body contours
  • Allergic reactions or complications from local anesthesia
  • Wrinkling or dimpling of the skin on the area where liposuction is performed
  • Injury from removing fat cells

Reasons for the risk

It is important for you to know that liposuction can be one of the safest cosmetic surgery procedures as long as it is performed aptly. When done by an experienced and trained surgeon, liposuction in Delhi can leave you with much better body with minimal scarring as well as less than one percent chance of complications. So, the best way to ensure that surgery is performed safely is to look for the best liposuction clinic in Delhi.


Vaser liposuction

There are different types of liposuction techniques. However the most advanced and preferred by surgeons is vaser liposuction in south Delhi. It is a minimally invasive as well as simple procedure which can be done at a hospital or cosmetic surgery. It is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, and it is only in some cases that a patient is required to stay at hospital.  It is done under general anesthesia.

During this procedure, ultrasound energy is used for treating unwanted and excess fat deposits, loosening the cells from other tissues so that they can be removed gently using a small tube. Duration of the procedure depends on the number of areas to be treated. Patients who undergo vaser liposuction in India have to wear compression garments so that skin can contract smoothly to the new body contours. Surgeon recommends rest for twelve hours followed by three to four weeks of general recovery and avoid strenuous activities as recommended by the surgeon.

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