mind (2)

Meditation - Health Fitness India

I've been meditating a bit for a decade and half now. However, I've been searching for a nice Yoga school to also improve myself in it. Recently, I thought that I had found one by visiting its web-site. I went to its class in a nearby top hospital where it's conducted, however, their evening timing was incorrect since I found out there that classes are only held during mornings. I thought that this was general administration's fault which seems to be with several things in India and not of the specialist yoga teachers themselves. However, there was very high amount of pollution on the way and so I decided to not go there including in the mornings because by when the class would've gotten over, the traffic would've increased much and that which would've also kept me in that very high pollution that much longer. If you're concerned about pollution then I welcome you to also read and share http://www.healthfitnessindia.com/profiles/blogs/anti-pollution-mask-delhi-metro-police 

I just read "At Shell, a Grassroots Effort Aims to Nourish Innovation Via Meditation" http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=3063 and that felt being a part of a great world and that humans are still pursuing greatness including for our world: 


Knowledge@Wharton: Recently, we published a series of articles on a meditation program at Google, called "Search Inside Yourself," which makes an explicit connection between mindfulness, meditation practice and emotional intelligence. I wonder whether at Shell you view it in a similar light and if so, what implications that might have for the way your program is built?

Mandar Apte: Yes, there is definitely a link. From my perspective, the link is that we're all busy; we're all racing to solve challenges. As for innovation, you know, it's all about thinking of new things. One has to learn how to drop the old habits, the old ideas, the old concepts and it's like taking a pause from the business of today, a gap in your mind from the train of thoughts. That's what meditation allows you. It gives you tools and techniques to pause. And silence is the mother of creativity. So, if you can invoke that space of silence within yourself -- through any means -- it need not be through meditative practice -- it could be any other means that anybody chooses to adopt. That's the first step. The second step involves social processes and interpersonal skills. If you can invoke that quality of compassion or empathy in yourself, where you are not judging yourself, you're not criticizing yourself, nor are you judging somebody else, then I think there is a space for insights to be created. These qualities are crucial for grooming your own innovative skills and nourishing the innovation culture in an organization.


I would keep sharing valuable readings and experiences on meditation in the posts. I welcome you to read and share if you like.



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Yesterday evening, the person who opens/closes the gym told me that I lift the most weight there. I told him that I'm a small guy and that there are so many much bigger people and also great bodybuilders and that I wish that I can keep improving lifelong. Then I searched for videos on Kashmir given the highly unfortunate current issue. Besides other videos, I also watched Defending the LoC Part-1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apddqw6Ks4g, Part-2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2idHxTErM and Part-3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C74MR9g2R0c. Salute to Sipahi (Soldier) who laughs off the fear to protect me. This salute is to all Sipahis worldwide who protect humans. Imagine a world in which all such soldiers unite against those disregarding the universal human values.

After these videos, I read a spiritual article (I usually read an article at night with dad who generally gives it from one of the books). It was about mann (mind) and that it has ichcha-shakti (power to desire) and sankalp-shakti (power of intention). I've thought of several times to also go to gym in the morning for doing cardio since I lift weights during evening. I went to gym once in the morning some days ago the day after I reactivated the Health and Fitness India site http://www.healthfitnessindia.com. I reactivated it sooner than I had thought thinking that if we can't be healthy and fit then our heads might not remain in the proper place for long. Given current events, things seem very unfortunate in India and that being much healthier and fitter should help us do much better.

Today morning, I woke up without any alarm and that when I saw the time it was few minutes before 7am and that the gym in my apartment complex opens at 7am. However, I felt that I hadn't recovered from yesterday evening's workout well enough. I've to speed up recovery with nutrition products. For some months, I'm regularly eating eggs, often kala chana (bengal gram), sometimes soya and then lentils, oats, milk and other veg. food as protein sources. So I rested for another hour and half and then went to gym.

A different person opens/closes the gym in the morning. I spoke to him in general and that when I asked his name, he said Manveer! (Man here stands for Mind and Veer for Brave). He said that he wants to do business after some years. I told him that he can start today by selling imported and affordable anti pollution mask made using Defense technology which will be a great service to society and he can also earn well on the side. He told me to show it to him which I would. I wish that all of us can keep improving our society and environment worldwide. Best!

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