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Symptoms ad causes of Diabetes Type-2


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar (glucose) — an important source of fuel for your body.

With type 2 diabetes, your body either resists the effects of insulin — a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into your cells — or doesn't produce enough insulin to maintain normal glucose levels.

Type 2 diabetes used to be known as adult-onset diabetes, but today more children are being diagnosed with the disorder, probably due to the rise in childhood obesity. There's no cure for type 2 diabetes, but losing weight, eating well and exercising can help manage the disease. If diet and exercise aren't enough to manage your blood sugar well, you may also need diabetes medications or insulin therapy.Diabetologists in Vashi .



Signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes often develop slowly. In fact, you can have type 2 diabetes for years and not know it. Look for:

  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing sores
  • Frequent infections
  • Areas of darkened skin, usually in the armpits and neck


Type 2 diabetes develops when the body becomes resistant to insulin or when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin. Exactly why this happens is unknown, although genetics and environmental factors, such as being overweight and inactive, seem to be contributing factors.

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Vitiligo, an autoimmune skin condition, leads to white patches. Patches appear because of the loss of melanocytes cells, responsible for producing the skin pigment called melanin. In a few cases, the color of the hair and eyeballs are also affected. Consult Dr. Rohit Batra, the Best Skin Specialist in Delhi at the DermaWorld Skin Clinic for the best-fit solution. For more info, visit: https://www.drrohitbatra.com/vitiligo

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There’s no doubt that the primary concern of people dealing with type 1 diabetes is “how to control the blood sugar levels”? Perhaps, the only way they can prevent the kidney, eye, and vascular problems is by maintaining their blood sugar level. However, the recent studies suggest type 1 diabetes patient is more prone to autoimmune diseases. The study further revealed that 1 out of every 5 children suffering from type 1 diabetes tends to develop another autoimmune ailment. Type 1 Diabetes has a major impact on aged people (65+ years). In fact, half of the aged individuals struggling with Type 1 Diabetes are likely to experience other autoimmune diseases. Now the question is “what autoimmune diseases are the Type 1 Diabetes patients are prone to?”

What Autoimmune Diseases are Common in Type 1 Diabetes Patients?

Some of the most common autoimmune diseases associated with Type 1 Diabetes are celiac disease, Addison’s disease, and hypothyroidism. As most of the Type 1 Diabetes patients are likely to develop celiac disease and hypothyroidism, doctors often suggest these patients a routine screening. It is essential to note that autoimmune diseases can either develop before or after the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes.

Specialists should check the diabetic patients for celiac disease and thyroid. There are no critical symptoms associated with celiac disease or thyroid, but the Type 1 Diabetes patients are advised to consult with their doctor if they witness unusual symptoms such as changes in glycemic control or weight, improper digestion, and other digestive problems. Our immune system is one of the most vital parts of a human body, as it keeps the body from hazardous organisms including bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. But what’s surprising is the immune system that is designed to preserve our body from the attack of foreign matter can sometimes turn awry and attack the vital organs of our body. When the immune system doesn’t work properly and negatively affect the other tissues and organs of a human body, the autoimmune diseases are likely to happen.

What Causes Autoimmune Diseases in Type 1 Diabetes Patients?

Though the exact reason behind this issue isn’t confirmed yet, research suggests that environmental and genetic factors are the leading causes behind autoimmune ailments. As per the clinical research, it is not diabetes that causes autoimmune problems in teens and kids. There isn’t any proven cause of autoimmune diseases in Type 1 Diabetes patients discovered but genetics are most likely the cause of these ailments.

Studies based on Type 1 Diabetes associated autoimmune diseases discovered that the genetic risk factors had a major influence on celiac disease, thyroid, and other autoimmune ailments. As DNA of an individual passes through several generations, the occurrence of autoimmune diseases in Type 1 Diabetes patients isn’t uncommon. The main reason why it is hard to discover the exact cause behind autoimmune disorders is the complex structure of the human immune system.Diabetologist Doctors in vashi

That’s why the treatment of thyroid, celiac disease, and other immune disorders is challenging. A proper diet, hormone replacement, and anti-inflammatory drugs may relieve the symptoms to some extent but they can’t cure the issue.

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13719729_862747480498469_8187864726241443206_o.png?width=650The nose is one of the most important attractions of a face. A slight change in its shape can add magic to your appearance and make you more beautiful. The nose surgery is the most popular cosmetic surgery that people choose. It allows you to change the shape of your nose and make it more pointed and beautiful.

But, before having nose surgery, you should take care of few things. After all, it is all about your look. So, it is better that you keep few considerations in your mind.

  1. Good surgeon-

The nose surgery is also a complicated cosmetic surgery. You should choose a good ethnic rhinoplasty surgeon who has good experience in these types of surgeries. An experienced surgeon can provide the desired results, which you are looking for. So, make sure, you shake your hands with the experienced one.

  1. Cost-

The rhinoplasty surgery cost might be different according to the complication of your surgery. But, you should check for once the cost of nose surgery and compare prices with a different clinic. It will help you to get the best price. A good surgeon always offers affordable price for their clients.

  1. Nose shape-

Yes, don’t go with the wrong changes. Make sure, you concern with your surgeon on the shape. He/she will give you right suggestions that can help you to enhance your look without overwhelming it. A sharp nose can increase your beauty and self-esteem as well.

Get more details visit: http://www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com

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#CosmeticSurgery #Cosmetic #LongNose #Rhinoplasty #SouthDelhi #India #RhinoplastyDelhi #RhinoplastyIndia #Surgery #CosmeticTreatment #GoodLooks #EnhancingLooks #USA #UAE #UK #Japan #Nepal #Russia #Bangladesh #Vectra3D

Since the evolution of the cosmetic surgeries one can absolutely guarantee that this has been the favourite type of surgery. People themselves opt for the same. And this is one of the best things that matter.

Amongst all the cosmetic surgeries, the nose job surgery certainly has found a place in the list of most favourites. One of the most necessary surgeries nowadays, this is certainly one very helpful to the people.

But one must consider few things before they decide to go for the surgery in the first place. These things will help make things easier for them.

The few things to consider:

Following are some of the most important things to consider”

  • Do you need the surgery: This is most definitely the very first thing to consider! Of course, the surgery is one of the most necessary trends nowadays. But only if one wants to follow the trend then this is not recommended.
  • What type do you want: There are 4 types of nose job surgeries. Choosing from them wisely matters. One must absolutely consult a good specialist on the same. This is no doubt necessary for the people for sure!
  • Understanding budget: One must have a realistic idea of what the budget can be. And this is one of the most necessary things as well. Of course, people must realize that the budget must also not exceed too much of what they expect. The most average costs must be considered for sure.

The tip nose surgery is not a costly affair. And this is only why proper considerations are necessary. One must understand that the selection of the proper plastic surgeons also matter the most.

There are an en number of good doctors available in Delhi, India nowadays. Consulting them will nevertheless provide you with the best results!

For more details about rhinoplasty surgery (www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com) Call or WhatsApp @ 09958221983

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Do you have rhinoplasty surgery questions? Well we’ve got answers! Browse the questions below to get answers to some of the most common questions about rhinoplasty surgery (www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com)! From the cost of rhinoplasty to rhinoplasty recovery!

Q: What is rhinoplasty?

A: Rhinoplasty, or cosmetic nasal surgery, is also referred to as a nose job, and it is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the shape and size of the nose. The procedure can remove a hump, change the shape of the nasal tip, and straighten the nose. Occasionally, the size and shape of the nostrils can be changed. The goal of the rhinoplasty surgery is often to achieve better harmony between the nose and the other facial features and, often times; even the slightest alteration can greatly improve a patient’s appearance. If the patient has breathing difficulty, Dr. Ajaya Kashyap may perform septal and turbinate surgery at the same time.

Q: Can rhinoplasty be performed at any age?

A: Age may also be a consideration. Many surgeons prefer not to operate on teenagers until after they've completed their growth spurt-around 14 or 15 for girls, a bit later for boys.

Q: How much does rhinoplasty cost?

A: The cost of rhinoplasty surgery greatly depends on your geographic location and how much alteration you want or need to have done to your nose. The average cost does not take into consideration an overnight hospital stay if required. Before you schedule your rhinoplasty, contact our clinic (info@bestrhinoplastyindia.com)

Q: What are the risks of rhinoplasty surgery?

A: Rhinoplasty is a generally safe surgical procedure, but as with any surgery, things can go wrong. The most common risks during a rhinoplasty procedure are infection, adverse reaction to the anaesthesia, and excessive bleeding. There is also the slight possibility that you will need additional surgery in the future. Another risk in regards to cosmetic nose surgery is that you may be unhappy with the procedure - rhinoplasty has the highest rate of revision in cosmetic surgery.

Q: How can I prepare for rhinoplasty surgery?

A: Prior to the rhinoplasty your surgeon (Dr. Ajaya Kashyap) will go over the realistic expectations of your procedure. He or she will determine what needs to be done and the most appropriate methods to use in order to meet your expectations. As far as what you can do to prepare for your rhinoplasty, it is recommended that you don’t take any medications that may inhibit blood clotting or cause postoperative bleeding problems such as aspirin and ibuprofen. If you smoke, it is also recommended that you stop smoking at least a month before your surgery and don’t start again until a month afterward. Smoking greatly slows down the healing process and will extend the time it takes you to recover. This may be a good time to quit smoking altogether.

Q: What can I expect during rhinoplasty?

A: Your rhinoplasty will generally be performed under general anesthesia and the entire surgery typically lasts no more than two hours. Depending on your situation, your surgeon may make an incision across the bottom of your nose between your nostrils (known as the open technique), or in the lining of your nostrils (known as the closed technique). Your surgeon will then removes or rearrange cartilage, and in some cases break and rearrange bone to reshape the nose. Afterward, the surgeon or health care team closes the incisions and your nose is packed with gauze. Usually, a nasal split is also applied.

Q: What is the recovery time for rhinoplasty?

A: Your surgeon will require you to wear a nasal splint for the first 7-10 days after your rhinoplasty. After your surgery, you may have moderate swelling and bruising around your eyes that could last up to two weeks. You should avoid strenuous activity for up to four weeks after your surgery; your physician will let you know when it’s safe for you to return to your daily activities.

Q: What can I expect after rhinoplasty?

A: Results from a rhinoplasty surgery can typically be seen once the swelling goes down and your physician removes the nasal splint. Nasal breathing is also difficult for about 3 weeks after the surgery due to swelling. Most, if not all, of the swelling is gone two months after you have the surgery performed. As your doctor may tell you. You should see your nose becoming more refined over the following months.

Q: What are the alternatives to rhinoplasty?

A: When it comes to alternatives to cosmetic rhinoplasty, there are none. But if you’re looking to improve your breathing you can try using nasal strips as a non-surgical means of correcting the issue.

Q: Does Dr. Ajaya Kashyap have before and after photographs of rhinoplasty patients?

A: Dr. Kashyap has performed thousands of rhinoplasties and has many before and after photographs of his patients. He will be happy to show them during your consultation for your rhinoplasty. He will show you results that may be similar to yours, so that you can have an idea of what your nose will look like after surgery.

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap achieves excellent  rhinoplasty results visit: http://www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com

For More information visit:
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, MD, FACS
Address: 13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi - 110057, (INDIA)
Mobile: + (91)-9818369662, 9958221983, 9958221982
Landline: + (011) - 41802486, 41802485
Tag: rhinoplasty FAQ, tip nose surgery, rhinoplasty surgery cost, nose reshaping surgery, nose job surgeon india, nasal tip surgery, cleft & revision rhinoplasty, celebrity rhinoplasty surgeon, african american rhinoplasty specialist, korean rhinoplasty, face surgery, ethnic rhinoplasty South Delhi, dorsal hump nose reduction, crooked nose surgery, cosmetic surgery delhi, plastic surgery in delhi


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Rhinoplasty Surgery - Nasal Tip Surgery!


Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery, is a cosmetic surgery procedure which is performed for reshaping the nose. It is counted among one of the most commonly performed surgeries for better appearance and look.  It can increase or reduce the size of nose, narrow the span of nostril, change the angle between the upper lip and nose and alter the shape of the bridge or the tip.

The surgery can also coerce the injury or birth defect and also help in reliving breathing problems. In the recent years, it has emerged as one of the most popular procedures among people across all age groups. It is also known as “nose job” or “nose reshaping”.

Nasal or nose tip rhinoplasty procedure

When it comes to tip nose surgery, it is not specific to any ethnicity or age group. Men, women, children and teen can undergo this surgical procedure. For example, older people who wish to slow down the process of ageing on their nose and women who wish to have more feminine nose can choose this surgery.

Those who have unusually rounded ends or dropped tip are usually the right candidates for tip nose surgery. The procedure shapes and smoothen the irregularities. In addition, even people who have broader nose and wish to make it more prominent in the center of the face can opt for this surgical procedure. It is only in rare cases that such characteristics are consequential to injuries and most people who opt for it have had the same nose since the time of birth.

Rhinoplasty surgery cost depends on the type of surgery you will undergo.If you are considering nasal tip surgery then all you need to do is consult a cosmetic surgeon who would guide you correctly.

For more details about Rhinoplasty surgery call @ 09958221983 & visit: www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (M.D., FACS)
13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar,
Mobile: +91-9958221983
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-AOHmM1xTg
Tag: tip nose surgery, rhinoplasty surgery cost, nose reshaping surgery, nose job surgeon india, nasal tip surgery, cleft & revision rhinoplasty, celebrity rhinoplasty surgeon, african american rhinoplasty specialist, korean rhinoplasty, face surgery, ethnic rhinoplasty South Delhi, dorsal hump nose reduction, crooked nose surgery, cosmetic surgery delhi, plastic surgery in delhi

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Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping ) surgery has gained immense popularity over the past 5 years in India.There are benefits of nose surgery - generally speaking all cosmetic patients can expect to have an improved physical appearance and those seeking to improve the function no longer suffer from any nasal discomfort. One of the most noticeable benefits of a rhinoplasty is increased self-confidence.  

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, Medical Director of KAS Medical Center, performs specific rhinoplasty procedures depending on the specific requirements of an individual. Dr. Kashyap is a Triple American Board certified plastic surgeon, with over 15 years experience in the US. He performs several rhinoplasty procedures each month, which include both cosmetic and reconstructive rhinoplasties. Dr. Kashyap performs:

  • Reduction Rhinoplasty
  • Augmentation Rhinoplasty
  • Functional Rhinoplasty
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty
  • Nasal Refinement
  • Birth Deformity
  • Deformity Due To Accident Or Trauma

Reduction Rhinoplasty reduces the size of the nose in height, or width or both. Rhinoplasty Augmentation (www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com ) adds volume to the nose with either cartilage implant or fillers. Functional Rhinoplasty focuses mainly on improving breathing and correcting any birth or trauma disorder. Ethnic Rhinoplasty Procedures help to maintain the ethnicity of the nose while reshaping to be in equilibrium with your face. Sometimes only a minor refinement is required to enhance the nose, which is obtained in Nasal Refinement Rhinoplasty. Trauma Correction of trauma or accident related nose injury resulting in nose deformity. Birth Deformity for e.g. Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate etc.

Age Restriction: cosmetic rhinoplasty the minimum age is 18 years old, and there is no upper age limit. Reconstructive rhinoplasty procedures can be performed at any age.

Rhinoplasty is the most difficult Cosmetic Surgery procedure and it is important to go to a surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasties.

For More information visit:

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap, MD, FACS
Address: 13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar
New Delhi - 110057, (INDIA)
Mobile: + (91)-9818369662, 9958221983, 9958221982
Landline: + (011) - 41802486, 41802485
Web: http://www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com/

Tag: nose job surgery in delhi, korean , african american rhinoplasty specialist, dorsal hump nose reduction, nose reconstruction surgery, best nose surgeon in delhi, best nose surgeon in the world, nose surgery before after, specialist surgeon in india

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To reshape the nose and to make it proportionate with other facial parts it is possible to have a cosmetic surgery. Some people might have bigger noses that make them feel odd and some people have comparatively smaller noses that look like sticking to faces. There are some other issues related to specific parts of noses such as enlarged nostrils, tips of noses facing too upward or too downward.

Cosmetic surgeons design and execute rhinoplasty surgery depending on the specific requirement of reshaping the nose of a particular patient. Patients need to have comprehensive consulting with experienced surgeons explaining their difficulties. Surgeons determine the exact procedure by taking photos of nose and some other methods so that properly derive an effective procedure to reduce, enlarge or correct the shape and proportionate size of patient’s nose.

Usually this surgery is performed administering local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia. It depends on the understanding between the patient and the surgeon and diagnosis that may require a specific procedure. According the desired result surgeons can take incisions inside the nostrils which is known as closed rhinoplasty, or between the nostrils which is known as open rhinoplasty.

If it is required to adjust and reshape the tip of the nose, surgeons can remove bone and cartilage through incisions inside the nostrils. Though the freedom of the surgeons to have a clear view of underlying cartilage would be limited in this procedure, the incisions would be sufficient for making the desired task. At the same time, scars would be minimal and even patients would get less swelling and reduced recovery time when closed rhinoplasty would be performed.

However if it is required to add implants to enlarge the shape of nose and work on some other irregularities, surgeons prefer open rhinoplasty as it provides them clear view of the nasal structure and allows them to place implants wherever necessary quite easily.

Nose surgeon cost (www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com) mainly depends on his experience and expertise, location of his clinic and type of procedure adapted for the surgery.

For more details about nose reshaping surgery Call or WhatsApp @ 09958221983

Dr. Ajaya Kashyap (M.D., FACS)
13 Palam Marg, Vasant Vihar,
New Delhi-110057 (INDIA)
Email: info@bestrhinoplastyindia.com
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/bestrhinoplastyindia/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-AOHmM1xTg


Tag: rhinoplasty reshaping surgery, nose correction surgery, tip nose surgery cost, nose job surgeon india, nasal tip surgery, cleft lift, revision rhinoplasty delhi

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10824455064?profile=originalNose surgery is one cosmetic procedure that can help people achieve desirable-looking nose shape and size. There are different reasons for people to undergo this procedure.  In the recent years, with the advancement in the world of medical science, it has become possible for people to get the most effective and desired results of this surgery. Here is a glance into the nasal reconstruction surgery and ethnic nose surgery.

Nose reconstruction surgery

In this type of surgical procedure, the cosmetic surgeon rebuilds the damaged nasal structure with cartilage grafts from the nose, rib or ear of a patient. In some condition, the nose surgeon makes use of a fibrous tissue, known as fascia, from the scalp of a patient. It is used as a soft graft for filling imperfections along the nasal bridge or reshaping the nasal tip.  The surgery is performed on patients who crave for better and improved shape of the nose. It is an outpatient procedure performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the condition of a patient.

Ethnic rhinoplasty surgery

It is a common cosmetic procedure which is performed for refining the overall appearance of the nose of people hailing from different ethnic groups and heritages. The primary objectives of this surgical procedure are to improve the shape of a nose to add more definition to it or to reduce the size of the nose for so that it can achieve right balance with other facial features of the patient. All this is done while respecting and maintaining the ethnic heritage of the patient.

Irrespective of which surgical procedure you might be undergoing, make sure that you choose the nose surgeon with great care as the success of the surgery depends on his or her experience and expertise.

Nose Surgeon in South Delhi Call us today for an appointment: http://www.bestrhinoplastyindia.com | 09958221983

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Hi All, 

I'd like to thank Ms. Vani Pahwa to consent for the interview with the Health and Fitness India network. Our Q&A are as follows:

10824442465?profile=original1. Why did you decide to enter the fitness industry?

I have been an Indian Classical dancer since childhood and always been a physically active person. My passion for dance and physical activity always ran parallel to my career in IT. A couple of bad injuries, being told more cons than pros by "experts" led me to begin my study of the field of anatomy and fitness in detail. It was a natural culmination of my desire to beat the odds and be better informed. I guess my ability to do this for myself lead me to offer it in an effective manner to those around and here I am. Still learning and growing...

2. What are your specialties as a fitness professional?

Master Instructor with Evidence Based Fitness academy

Barefoot Training Specialist

BOSU Certified Personal Trainer

ACE (American Council on Exercise) Personal Trainer Metabolic & Functional Training

Vibro Gym Trainer

Reebok Aerobics

Reebok Step Program

Basic Life Support Provider (American Heart Association

I deal with a wide variety of clientele - sports persons, people with general fitness and weight issues, chronic ailments and people needing rehab. I work in conjunction with their doctors. I deal with all age groups - from kids to the old population.

3. What's a great piece of advise that you've given to a client?

It's for the client to say how great they feel my advise is :D

But I do tell most of them at some point or the other, "Whether you think you can, or you think can't, you are right". Everything one does is successful to the extent the mind and body are in sync. This holds true for just about anything and not limited to "holistic workouts".

4. Can you please share any major mistakes that fitness professionals make?

I think one of the major mistakes that any fitness professional can make is to think one size fits all. The human body is a complex thing and should be treated with respect. The value of continued education and keeping up with research in the field cannot be over estimated. Bring knowledge and integrity in what you do. Always be willing to learn . Experience cannot be short circuited. Learn and respect the fact that "fitness" means different things to different people.

5. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five and ten years from now?

Learning and always reinventing myself and bringing all of that to my clients. Using my growing personal experiences to keep presenting evolving and more mature health and fitness solutions.

6. Your professional contact details

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/vani.pahwa

Email vbpahwa@yahoo.com




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