Hi All, Please share about food adulteration with your family and friends which should also help to make things better or else your conditions might also keep worsening. I share details below from different sources but can't say for their correctness.
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Do at least those children who drink milk of educated Indian mothers in general learn that India is ranked 79 for Quality and Safety in Global Food Security index
18 March 2016: Hindustan Times: 2 out of 3 Indians drink milk laced with detergent, urea and paint
16 March 2016: Some of the most commonly occurring heavy metals in our daily foods are cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury. All of these lead to serious health implications, primarily causing damage to healthy tissue. "Long term exposure to cadmium causes fragile bones and decreased bone strength whereas mercury causes damage to stomach and intestines," said Khandare.
28 July 2015: Now, states in India show contamination in water & milk
In water, Chandigarh showed 100 per cent adulteration, Jharkhand 75 per cent, Andhra Pradesh 70 per cent, Karnataka 66 per cent and Tamil Nadu 58 per cent out of the samples collected for testing from each state or union territory.
Many states, which had showed considerable levels of adulteration in bottled water in the previous financial year, have not given their data for this year. Gujarat at 40 per cent, Haryana 30 per cent and Uttar Pradesh at 28 per cent contamination last year, are among the states with no data for 2014-15, as per Parliament reply given on July 24.
In milk too, there are many absentees in 2014-15 including Gujarat, Delhi, West Bengal, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, with these states offering no data. Himachal Pradesh showed 92 per cent of its milk samples being contaminated, while others with high level of adulteration were Jharkhand at 45 per cent, Chhattisgarh at 38 per cent, Jammu & Kashmir at 32 per cent and Madhya Pradesh at 28 per cent.
21st January 2015: Six top brands adulterating milk: Food and Drug Administration, India
Ab to Indian maa Insaan hogi to phir bhi bachche ko Indian sadak ke suar jaisa experience mil raha ho sakta hai aur maa ko bhi aur doosro ko bhi.
Indian suar agar positive soch kar bhi koode se hi khayega to phir positive kaise khayega? Insaan to kya nahi soch aur kar sakta hai for our society, environment and world. Aapne socha aur kiya at least apne aur family ke liye about milk?
18th October 2014: Beware of spurious sweets and milk products during festive (Diwali) season
Some of the adulterants that are used in milk are water, chalk, urea, caustic soda and skimmed milk, while Khoya is adulterated with paper, refined oil and skimmed milk powder. Similarly, potato and Vanaspati have been found to contaminate Ghee, while the silver topping that is found on top of most mithais is often aluminium. Similarly, the Saffron thread that decorates mithai is often just dried and coloured corn hair. Combine all this together and you have the recipe for one big, bad stomach ache, if not worse!
So, now that you know why you ought to be careful about where you buy you sweets from and what to watch out for, we come to the next question – how do you know if the goods are spurious or not ! There are several ways methods you can employ to check whether the sweets you have bought are adulterated.
Dr Virendra Yadav, Senior Medical Officer, BK Hospital said, “With the consumption of these adulterated sweets and chocolates, many diseases can occur. Chances of severe stomach infection and food poisoning can happen. Colours are added to the sweets which contain carbon and heavy metal that causes asthama and allergies. If one eats these adulterated sweets for long then later it may develop into cancer.”
"...adulterating milk of various local as well as national brands"
Good the person was caught but what would such people generally do when they're back in society?
I also wonder the bad to very bad things that happened to people who consumed such milk and probably are consuming such milk or their made products.
Does a song like this ever play in your head that chote mote suar teri muththi mein kya hai if and when you're thinking that how unsure you're about the food quality around you.
It's great that we're humans and that the best people in our world have already done so much research and development for us to use and make things increasingly better for us.
18th September 2014: "Go for the eggs of which the hens were raised cage free (with actual room to roam), fed an organic diet, & were not pumped with antibiotics, steroids, etc. These chickens are--at least--a little less stressed, more natural, & in turn healthier. The result? A better egg, in terms of health."
Read this somewhere and wondered how many Indians feel like having been brought up to live as best or even average humans? Of course, Indian street pigs, forest tigers and other animals would live how they are, however, we're humans.
Maa suarni to most likely uska bachcha jeeye poorly lekin hum to insaan hai. Can you please share more about eggs if you know?
19th August 2014: Dairy owners use hair bleach chemical to prolong life of milk
Officials have discovered that to prolong life of milk and milk products, many dairy owners had been using a cocktail of chemicals whose consumption can damage kidney and liver.
Food and drug officials detected Hydrogen peroxide (a common paper and hair bleaching agent), potassium hydroxide (used in soap preparation) and hypo (a bleaching agent) in milk recently.
This is the first time when the department noticed use of these chemicals whose short term consumption can cause gastroenteritis but damage liver and kidneys if ingested for a longer period.
Of these, hydrogen peroxide in particular is almost impossible to detect in laboratory tests, leading the officials to suspect the dairies could have been using these in plenty.
Usually, food security officer said, dairy owners mixed argemone oil, a poisonous substance, and starch in milk during preparations of products like paneer and mawa.
In fact, food security officer, it was the presence of a tin containing huge quantity of hydrogen peroxide at a dairy which alerted them about the misuse of these chemicals.
11th June 2014: Identifying artificially ripened mango

* Put mango in a container with water
* If it sinks to the bottom, it has been ripened naturally
* If it floats, it has matured with the help of calcium carbide
* Chemically matured mangoes also have distorted wrinkles on the skin
* They also taste different and have a pungent odour
“The Prevention of Food Adulteration act (1955) prohibits usage of such chemicals on food articles.
It has serious effects on health and can even cause cancer. It contains traces of arsenic, phosphorous and on reaction with water, produces acetylene gas.
It is severely irritating to eyes and direct contact may even lead to blindness. On contact with skin, it causes severe irritation, and rashes with burns.
On ingestion, it causes nausea, vomiting, headache, and burns in the gastrointestinal tract.
On inhalation, it leads to coughing, irritation of the throat, irregular breathing, shortness of breath and even pulmonary oedema.
It is neurotoxic and causes headache, dizziness, sleepiness, loss of memory, cerebral oedema, mental confusion and even seizures."
25th May 2014: Indian Cows Are Producing Toxic Milk Because They Are Grazing On Garbage When they return to their dairies their milk is adulterated with paint, detergents, caustic soda, urea and shampoo, the court heard.
Carpenter and maid came together. Carpenter asked for more money than it was agreed for and said that the higher amount was agreed for. This makes me think that is your maid harming you without you and she even realizing it? Do you wash the utensils once again to remove any stuck chemicals used by maid to wash the utensils? Also see:
When girls in India start drinking mother's milk then do they start becoming inferior from their initial human potential and does that make them suffer even more in life due to harmed mind and body?
11th May 2014: According to traders, almost 70% of the coconut oil sold through unbranded retail network is impure
Unfortunately, scientific detection of adulteration is very difficult as normal lab testing is ineffective in the case of coconut oil. Adulterated oil having coconut oil to the tune of 30 per cent exhibits the same quality and aroma as that of pure coconut oil.
7th May 2014: How much of this is also coming into India: Carrot, bean, tomato, lettuce, capsicum, banana, apple, pineapple and mango were contaminated with highly toxic pesticides. And the presence of banned pesticide Aldrin was found in milk, the test found.
Please also learn and think about what's coming in from our world. It's wonderful to get high-tech and advanced scientific solutions from our world, however, it's not to get such harmful things. It's nice that people there are also active about reducing this severely harmful issue.
29th April 2014: How can one distinguish between artificially ripened mangoes and organically grown ones? The following link shares about color, taste, texture and color of pulp and juice as factors.
What are the ill-effects of artificially ripened mangoes?
Dr Shah says, ‘Chemicals and pesticides cause a variety of diseases, some of the ill effects, they are known hormone disruptors leading to an increase in the number of hormonal diseases today like hypothyroid, polycstic ovaries, diabetes etc. Apart from that, they have been known to lead to Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and worst of all are passed on from mother to child via breast milk.
Is it possible to get rid of the chemicals by washing them properly or eating them without the outer skin?
‘Perhaps a small part but not a large enough amount of it. Wash the fruits well but you will still feel the burning sensation and carry all the ill effects,’ says Dr Shah.
21st April 2014: Jiski maa Indian woh in general kaisa khana khila rahi hogi aur usse log kaise ban rahe honge? With such low punishment for such a serious crime, how many people might keep doing this and causing us harm? It's great that these people were caught due to great work of others, however, how many more would be doing this and which would also depend on how Indian mothers in general are making their children that we've people doing such things and other people not able to mostly stop this and that our condition has worsened so much. I wish us best.
In India, use of calcium carbide is strictly banned as per PoFA (Prevention of Food Adultration) Act [Section 44AA], because it contain the traces of arsenic and phosphorus, which pose a serious threat to human health. Acetylene gas, a by-product of calcium carbide, creates heat. It is mainly used as a fuel and in welding, and contains toxic impurities that affect the nervous system. When acetylene is filled amidst the fruit in a box, it heats the fruit on the outside, and thus the mangoes and oranges turn yellow or orange, as the case may be.
"Though we had inspected fruit shops and godowns across the district, it's the first time we are seizing mangoes and calcium carbide together. It's a grave offence and the person can get a prison term of up to three years and a fine of up to Rs5 lakh for engaging in such a criminal activity," said a food safety official.
6th April 2014: Jiski maa insaan woh kaisa doodh pilaye? Today it’s more than likely that your glassful of doodh, or milk, contains everything from contaminated water, urea and milk powder to detergent, bleaching agents and the (banned) hormone oxytocin.
All the entrepreneurs emphasize their humane dairy farming practices—free-range cows “pampered” with tailor-made feed free of any pesticides, on-call nutritionists and veterinarians, mechanized milking, no hormones or antibiotics, and the fact that the milk is absolutely untouched till it reaches the customer’s doorstep.
All these brands are, of course, available at a premium. Insaan hona bhi to premium hai sadak ke kutte, suar aur jungle ke sher, hathi se. I wish an increasing number of people would be able to get pure milk.
30th March 2014: Senior superintendent of police (SSP) Kamaljeet Singh Dhillon said that the raids were conducted on a tip-off that some milk-sellers were preparing synthetic milk and other products by using adulterated milk products at Longiwind.
"We have seized 25,000 litres of adulterated milk from two canter tanks and 8 kg desi ghee," said the SSP.
8th March 2014: How do Indian women feel being an Indian on International Women's Day? What do you do for yourself and for your future to feel great as Indian? Perhaps it also depends on what you've learned from previous generations. How would you make the future generations?
Please share with people about our issues to make them aware so that they would reduce doing things that harm us. Think of how pigs and tigers goes after their food and then think of how humans should go after their food.
The Delhi High Court today termed as "alarming" the findings of an expert committee on the status of pesticide residues in food commodities and said almost entire 1.75 crore Delhiites eat fruits and vegetables which are not fit for human consumption.
The NGO Consumer Voice, one of the petitioners in the court, said the quantum of pesticides in fruits and vegetables in India, especially those sold in Delhi markets, was as much as 750 times the European standards.
The NGO claimed that of the five internationally banned pesticides, four were found to be common in vegetables sold here.
The move had come after some NGOs submitted survey reports that vegetables and fruits sold in the city's markets contain poisons capable of causing cancer and harming the nervous system and liver.
4th March 2014: “We may be eating dangerous dye, sawdust, soap, stone, industrial starch or aluminium foil along with food,” said Assistant Professor of Chemistry Leena Singh, who has done research in adulteration. Adulteration is easy money for traders and slow poisoning, disease or death for consumers. What we eat can be unsafe, unhygienic or harmful when nutritious elements in them are killed. “An easy example of food adulteration is vanaspati in desi ghee.” Adulterants when used in illicit drugs are called cutting agents, deliberate addition of toxic adulterants to food or other products for human consumption is known as poisoning. These adulterants are often highly carcinogenic and when consumed over a continuous period of time can stunt growth and cause serious ailments.
Indian sadak ki kutiya, suarni ya aur koi janwar to bahut kuch khila rahi hogi apne ko aur apne bachchon ko. Usme se insaan ka pheka hua khana bhi hoga. Insaan apna khana great karega to sadak ke janwaron ko bhi behter khana mil sakta hai. Aur phir, sadak pe janwar to hone hi nahin chahiye jahan ki janwaron ki natural jagah na ho. Jaa raha hun ON 100% Whey Gold Standard protein supplement khareedne. Mehenga hai lekin chahiye bhi.
(Indian street female dog, pig or other animals would be feeding several things to self and to their children. In that, there'll be food thrown away by humans. If humans would make their food great then street animals could also get better food. And then, there shouldn't be animals on the street where there's no natural place for the animals. I'm going to buy ON 100% Whey Gold Standard protein supplement. It's expensive but required.)
27th February 2014: While silver and gold are inert metals that do not harm the body’s composition, adulterants like aluminium, nickel and copper cause serious side affects to one’s health, including skin diseases, breathing problems and irregularities in the heart. While most of the established shops use pure varks, smaller nondescript shops tend to market adulterated vark.
Chandi (silver) vark was initially introduced in Hyderabad for its medicinal purposes in Unani and Ayurveda. It was later picked up as a decorative garnish by confectionary makers.
Suarni bhi Indian banaye, Sherni bhi Indian banaye aur Insaan bhi Indian banaye. Kya aap vark khaate aur khilate hai bina check kiye ki theek hai ki nahi. Thank You Germany for your technological solution.
So how does one tell a good vark from an adulterated one, considering that both silver and aluminium tend to look the same when drawn into sheets?:
23rd February 2014: When asked if the wax coated on most apples is safe to consume, Dr Priyanka Rohatgi, Chief Clinical Nutritionist and Head, Nutrition and Dietetics, Apollo Hospitals, says, “We are not sure of the composition of the wax but it is unfit for human consumption. Wax should never be consumed.”
1st February 2014: "...a large portion of it [milk] is a toxic cocktail of white paint, caustic soda, detergent, shampoo, urea, starch and blotting paper that is harmful for the heart, lungs, liver and can even cause cancer."
Aur in sadak ke janwaron ka kya hoga? Jab doodh ki mithai sadak par phik gayi aur suaron, kutton aur doosre janwaron ne kha liya to unka kya hoga? Yeh janwar sadak pe nahin rehne chahiye kyunki yeh to apne liye kuch kar bhi nahin sakte jaise ki insaan kar sakte hai. "the menace was most rampant during festival seasons when the demand peaks."
16th January 2014: I had found an organic milk shop nearby. However, someone who owns cows nearby told mom that the organic shop takes milk from them. I don't know what that organic milk shop does what this milk. However, mom stopped getting milk from that organic shop.
I've heard similar about other organic shops also that they aren't as organic as they claim to be. If you're buying organic then try to check if it's really organic.
2nd January 2014: Ginger coloring inside - Is this due to harmful chemicals like acid wash? I bought this yesterday, 1st Jan 2014, evening from street vendor. I'm not an Indian street pig or any other animal but human and hence I share to ask and also make others aware about whether they check what they buy and also how can be their food when they eat outside. Do you wonder how our previous generations in general have been that we've such issues now. Is it possible to very easily complain about this to authority and that immediate action is taken due to public health at possibly high risk. What are you doing to make things better? I wish us best!
17th December 2013: Time to buy organic! Why? Plates loaded with pesticides: Survey shows fruit, vegetables are high on chemical content.
God, Is eating such like Indian street pig eating from filth who's really not doing anything about the harmful things in its food? Sadak ke suar jaisa kya God? Kaisa Indian bana rahe hain God? Indian sadak ke suar jaisa nahin baniye. Jab boards lagte the ki dogs and Indians not allowed then parents kya kehte the children ko ki aaj aise issues hain. Indian ki maa in general bachche ko sadak ka suar jaisa banane mein ya jungle ka sher jaisa banane mein ya duniya ka insaan jaisa banane mein best hai? Mother India ko help kariye. Aisi problem ko end kariye. Please sabko aware kariye ki woh great society and environment build and grow karen. Please help.
We are literally consuming poisons. Let’s have a brief look:
Brinjal: Chemical found is Heptachlor, 860% above the legal limit
Cabbage: Chemical found is Cypermethrin, 95.5% above the legal limit
Okra: Chemical found is Heptachlor, 55% above the legal limit
Rice: Chemical found is Chlorfenvinfos, 1324% above the legal limit
Banana: Chemical found is Chlorodane, 54% above the legal limit
Cauliflower: Chemical found is Aldrin, 320% above the legal limit
Apple: Chemical found is Dichlorvas, 140% above the legal limit
In a study conducted by the Kerala Agricultural University, “dangerous levels” of pesticide residues have been found in many main vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, small red onions, curry leaves, green chillies, etc. About three years ago, Profenofos, which is a second-level pesticide, was banned in India, except for tea and cotton. But its residues have been found in vegetables like gooseberries, green chilli, okra, curry leaves, mint leaves and coriander leaves.
Consuming pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables for a long period of time can prove fatal. Health experts say that pesticides are neurotoxins, affecting the nervous system and other important organs such as liver and kidney. Food poisoning and different sorts of allergies are common from these pesticides. Some pesticides even lead to cancer. Certain pesticides cause skin problems, loss of weight, sleeplessness and irritability.
The skyrocketing price of fruits and vegetables is not the only issue; so is the amount of pesticide residues these contain. It is surprising to know that most of the vegetables and fruits have an alarming percentage of harmful chemicals, which is far above the permissible limit prescribed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
16th December 2013: I wrote to a client from Europe doing work in India: I wish you're making great sales in India! I read that food not allowed for export to Europe gets sold in India and so please take care with your food and also share with your clients since you mentioned about how people in India get attracted a lot to white people and so I wish they would care a lot about what you would say!
Please motivate your clients in terms of how pigs and tigers go after their food and that we're humans and so can do so much better in health and fitness. You would've heard about price rise of food items a major issue. Please help people to realize that less or more of pig like food is less or more of pig only. We've to make food quality a major issue for our health and fitness. Thank You for your great work!
5th October 2013: I just spoke to the company who sold the seemingly tampered protein box to me. I learned that my complaint call mid last week wasn't registered in their system and hence it seems a delay in their response. I told the rep the person's name who I spoke to. I told the rep that junior people might not care as much and so having direct online system for filing complaints should also be there.
The company rep told me that the customers can file complaints online after they log into the site. I said that I didn't know that and so I just called. I told the rep that there should be link nearby the contact numbers on their site that people can file their complaints online.
I also told the rep that they shouldn't use courier service to get the product back from me because what if it's the courier service that might be opening up the box. The rep said that it's highly unlikely. The person also said that it's highly unlikely that the box is tampered with because of their quality controls. I said that perhaps most people wouldn't check the supplement box like how I did it and so if there's potential mixing in the boxes then they wouldn't realize it. I also said that if this wouldn't have been returned then I would've taken the box to a lab for testing. The rep was very helpful. I'll be writing to major nutrition supplements brands that how people can test their products by themselves and that I would share online and which should also help those brands besides the many people consuming them thinking that it would help them.
I would visit their office next week with the box so that I get another box. Thank You! Best!
26th September 2013: page wrote to me: Thanks again Shakti, always make sure you buy 100% authentic products. You should do that. Fake supplements are loaded with anabolic steroids that cause permanent damage. In future you may shop with us and be assured that the product is 100% genuine as we have over 200 of the best brands in the world with us. Either we are listed on the brand websites as their authorised dealers or we buy directly from the brand's listed distributors.
Several comments with page¬if_t=share_comment
25th August 2013: "I buy only branded milk and we need to know whether it is safe. My two sons, aged seven and three, drink milk twice a day. If they skip a meal, milk also fills the gap. But now I am not sure whether giving them milk is a good idea. How will I fulfil their protein requirements?" said Aditi Sharma, a homemaker.
What do you eat and what do you feed others? Are you maximizing your human potential? How do you feel as an Indian having such widespread milk adulteration considering the best in our world? Now people are getting aware about this better, however, what if you and your family consumed adulterated milk for years before? What are you doing for greatness? I do wish that the branded milk at most has non-harmful water mixed. I also wish the best for those selling loose milk. Best!
24th August 2013: Indian in general ka andaa kaisa jab yeh aisaa? (How's the Indian's egg in general when this one is like this?) What are you doing for your health and fitness? Best!
15th August 2013: Mother India, how was the quality of milk and the milk based products that you treated to all Indians today? I wonder what mothers think when they give birth knowing that they can't even feed themselves properly. What quality of humans would generally be born and grown like that? Best!
9th August 2013: God, Is this also why several people in India seem to keep trying to move abroad (ask anyone if they want to and generally they say yes that they want to just like a grandmother yesterday told me that her grandson would go since his grandfather does business in LA, USA)? God, Is this also why the people in India prefer to buy things not made in India if they can?
"As the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) laboratory report recently discovered our branded edible oils are full of unhealthy trans fats. The results showed trans fats in seven leading vanaspati brands were five to 12 times the 2 per cent standard set by Denmark. Trans fats are associated with a host of serious health problems ranging from diabetes to heart disease to cancer."
In the Rigveda, 9th Mandala, Hymn 1.5, "Vanaspati" (literally meaning: Lord of the Forest)..." and so the many people in India are getting weaker like the forests in India? Please help!
30th July 2013: Sources of Adulteration in Milk - Agriculture For Nutrition and Health presentation link
Possible diseases due to Adulteration in Milk - Agriculture For Nutrition and Health presentation

12 July 2013: Indian doodh wale, Suar jaisa na bana re. Doodh mein tu kya mila re? Tujhe agar koi roke na, Phir bhi ruk jaa re, Apne logon ke bare mein to soch ke.
I thought of this while thinking of milk adulteration issue in India. These days I've been drinking Yakult probiotic milk and I see people making tea using Nestle milk powder which seems nice. I do feel highly unfortunate about the severe milk adulteration issue. What do you do about milk adulteration? Best!
6th July 2013: Could this comment even discourage other people from maximizing their human potential? What's the future of India? Following comments continue from my previous post on 5th July:
PERSON Shakti Saran... Checked with the Poultry farm guy... The problem in India is more related to over use of antibitics... to keep the chickens from falling ill - not so for the chemicals you mentioned, though some remind me of my Botany classes and seems I am right: So, if the yellow colour is coming from Xanthophyll - we are actually getting essential nutrients from natural sources - Leaf to egg to humans. I wouldn't worry too much. Also, Americans do get frazzled by Dihydrogen Oxide... What can one say!
11 hours ago · Like
Shakti Saran PERSON, You said "more" and "not so for", however, it's unclear the absolute quantities present in general. Why are you making such light comments about such a serious issue or is the issue not that serious to you? If you've a good idea about their quantities used in general then please share because that'll really be of value if you can understand my point which I say because if you possibly did then you wouldn't only compare these two but also provide good idea about their quantities used in general meaning possibly how much of them are in an egg in general or else they could even be in very minute quantities or even in significant quantities having possibility of doing increasing harm to people over a long period of consumption.
Also, you talk about some botany class, however, is this chemical being fed for nutrition of hen or for primary purpose of making the yolk yellower because if it's the latter then what could be its harmful effects and also why make people think that their yolk is yellower than natural by using such chemical unless the yolk might not have been yellow enough otherwise and that the people might have then thought that perhaps the egg isn't that good?
Also, I mentioned about there being a variety of healthy options for eggs in USA and so I don't understand why you would mention about what you mentioned unless you don't have anything better to mention about how to improve things in India?
I feel highly unfortunate to type all this than getting much more valuable inputs for my post for the masses. It makes me wonder the quality and quantity of research and development in India. I typed because I wish that more and more people would realize better. Around an hour ago while on my way to my place, someone I met told me about people in general according to him that they say that "khahin to girna hai" (somewhere they have to fall). I wonder why people aren't using anti-pollution mask in Delhi region given the very high and severely harmful pollution. I wonder about several other such things and that then I meet such people who tell me such things.
5th July 2013:
Someone comments on my post in some group:
PERSON The yellowness of Indian eggs comes from the green leaves and carotenoids in them...
50 minutes ago · Like
Shakti Saran I thought my point was simple to understand since many people might be suffering from food adulteration and so perhaps also thinking about it. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough! I meant if chemicals are being used to make the yolk yellower. Somewhere I had read about a yellow dye created by feeding Xanthophyll, zeanthin, marigold dye and caroteinic acid. There could be any other combination of things also. Are they really there and if so then generally what all and that how much?
My post:
God, I've heard of stories of long ago of people in India being able to convert energy to matter. Why didn't you inspire them to make India great or did you or what happened and can you please help now?
Yesterday, my cousin visited who has cleared her medical exams in USA and now will be going there soon for a job. She mentioned about the variety of very healthy options for eggs being sold there.
What's the quality of egg of Indian in general? Please help us to have the best quality eggs in India also. I read somewhere that the yellow in egg sold in India might also be due to chemicals fed to chickens and if so then how harmful are those chemicals?
I request all to read about the highly valuable efforts of this human including for inspiration to make our world a much greater place. On this 4th of July, thank you very much for your efforts that I've technologies and solutions to share this with our world and I wish for humans to maximize their potential. Best!
I've also shared it on which I wish would be of value to you.
2 July 2013:
How many Indians get milk from market or consume milk based products from market that have lesser harmful adulteration than the milk being had by these piglets?
What do you do to ensure that your milk from market and milk based products from market are without harmful adulteration? What all harm do you think can milk adulteration cause you?
Please also read milk
27 MAY 2013: The NGO picked up 193 samples of 35 different vegetables from markets in Bangalore, Delhi and Kolkata. These were then tested for 106 pesticides and the results were alarming as four of the five banned chemicals were found in these samples.
18 May 2013: Consumption of fruit ripened using carbide can cause diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, dizziness and even cancer in the long run. Bet on it. Your mango is ripened using carbide. [I suggest to test for it than not eating it at all. Anyone knows how?] In its biggest haul this year, AMC destroys 22,700 kg mangoes at Naroda wholesale fruit market.
From article published on June 13, 2011 about NON CALCIUM CARBIDE ripened mangoes
Meanwhile, consumers are becoming more and more aware and hence, choosey about what they eat. Dr Vanit Kathuria, deputy manager (seeds and support services) at Mother Dairy’s Safal points out, “Apart from conventional factors such as price, quality and demand that affect the market, ‘safety’ has become an important factor in recent times.”
Instead of calcium carbide, Safal authorities have been using ethylene, since setting up the Mangolpuri facility in 1988. Mature unripe mangoes are kept in temperature and humidity-controlled chambers, followed by a trigger of ethylene (at permissible limits) for 24 hours.
At the end of the third day, ripe mangoes are ready to be sent to retail outlets. “This is a kind of an accelerated process using ethylene. When fruits mature in a natural way, they release ethylene, which, in turn releases heat that helps in ripening. It takes six-seven days. But using the ethylene trigger, we get the same result in just three days,” said Subhash Sharma, Safal’s DGM (operations).
Safal has been advocating the ‘ripen mangoes at home’ concept. Unripe mature mangoes available at retail outlets are wrapped in a newspaper and placed in an airtight container for 4-6 days at home.
“The psychology of the consumer is such that they accept things easily if they are involved (in the process). Both children and elders are excited at the prospect of ripening mangoes at home,” Sharma added.
14 March 2013: People say what's the alternative to eating several harmful adulterated food. I've started these lists today and let's start more (I'm going to hire someone soon to keep adding shop details in the following lists. If you can tell any shops to add their details then that might help increasing number of people!):
List of Organic / Not Harmful Food shops in New Delhi, India
List of Organic / Not Harmful Food shops in Gurgaon, Haryana, India
List of Organic / Not Harmful Food shops in Noida, U.P., India
List of Organic / Not Harmful Food shops in Ghaziabad, U.P., India
No matter how much we train a dog, can it care about food adulteration? It's great that we're humans. If you're doing anything related to food adulteration in India then you're welcome to also share about it here.
We have to demand good food. Businesses will listen if many will demand together. Join the site and make a demand together. This is easy to do. As lakhs of people will come together and demand, businesses will listen. They can still profit and we can have a better life. Please join the site and share with others about our demand.
One thing that we can and must do is to search for shops that sell organic food and also share about their locations with others. Please join our network and share about organic food shops that you know. There can be shops nearby you selling much better food. What's the use of studying and working if you buy food that severely harms you and your quality of life increasingly worsens?
VIDEO of Simple Methods of Detection of Adulterants in Food Products made by The School of Agriculture (SOA), IGNOU
Scroll Down several posts below for details on food adulteration detection methods.
Also, you can view images with details on Reagents, Apparatus and Precautions for Detecting Adulterants in Food on
Also, you can read Food Adulteration Hindi & English one-page PDF document and also share it (online or print) with others if you like. Thank You! Best!
Also, you can read about adulteration of milk of mothers in India which can be extremely harmful to babies.
In this blog, I'll be sharing posts related to food adulteration in India. I'll be sharing issues and also on basic to advanced solutions for reducing and stopping it. I welcome you to comment with anything of value. I wish that all of us realize that by doing any amount of food adulteration, we're harming ourselves, our family and friends, and our society and world at large. What's the point of earning money that will mostly go to curing diseases and that one wouldn't even be well enough to enjoy any of the remaining money? I wish that we can do much better than how things are in India and that if you wonder that why we Indians haven't been able to have things much better then I also wonder about our elders for the same, however, I also think that just by saying that they were/are useless or not good enough wouldn't help. We've to make the issue of food adulteration a critical issue in our lives since food is critical for our lives without which we can't even live and that if we're eating adulterated food then seriously how well are we living? Can we think of the Indian street dogs who eat just whatever that they get? We're humans who're capable in general and that we can at least get rid of the issue of food adulteration by all of us working together intelligently, smartly, and with common sense.
A person working at gym offered me Boondi as Prasad Even though he had it in his hand, I took it from the polythene bag while telling him that I don't know if his hands are clean or not. Also, polythene bag has its own issues including when hot things are put in it like if the boondi is hot. I've written before on offering sweets as Prasad including that we don't know how proper are the ingredients and the cooking given widespread food adulteration in India which is much more unfortunate than widespread Indian street dogs and that we should try to reduce towards eventually stopping food adulteration, Indian street dogs who generally live very miserably and other issues. I'm now going to suggest the gym owner who I met today after a long while and whose company's web-site is being developed by me and my team that those interested in gym can contribute to buy quality chocolate like Cadbury to be offered to Lord Hanuman as Prasad on Tuesdays which is the day dedicated to Him. I'll share the same with others at gym as well since the owner called me his younger brother today which is great and that I wish that his quality gym wouldn't lead people to getting sick due any unfortunate issues in India and that his given work to me of making his web-site would be done well! Best! Shakti
28 July 2015: Now, states in India show contamination in water & milk
In water, Chandigarh showed 100 per cent adulteration, Jharkhand 75 per cent, Andhra Pradesh 70 per cent, Karnataka 66 per cent and Tamil Nadu 58 per cent out of the samples collected for testing from each state or union territory.
Many states, which had showed considerable levels of adulteration in bottled water in the previous financial year, have not given their data for this year. Gujarat at 40 per cent, Haryana 30 per cent and Uttar Pradesh at 28 per cent contamination last year, are among the states with no data for 2014-15, as per Parliament reply given on July 24.
In milk too, there are many absentees in 2014-15 including Gujarat, Delhi, West Bengal, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, with these states offering no data. Himachal Pradesh showed 92 per cent of its milk samples being contaminated, while others with high level of adulteration were Jharkhand at 45 per cent, Chhattisgarh at 38 per cent, Jammu & Kashmir at 32 per cent and Madhya Pradesh at 28 per cent.