Hangover is the mini withdrawal symptoms that the body experiences when alcohol intake is stopped. When a person drinks alcohol in large quantities, their body gets accustomed to this new fluid. However, as the person sleeps, the flow of alcohol into the body is stopped. Since the body has now become accustomed to the new fluid, its absence is now dealt with the body differently. When the person wakes up, he can feel nausea, headache and will feel more sensitive to lights and sound. These are the withdrawal symptoms experienced by the body.
There are many ways to ease hangover. However, any method mentioned below will not result in the immediate subsiding of hangover. Hangover treatment isn’t difficult, but it requires patience as the process itself takes time. A person can combat hangover by doing various things. Anti Hangover Pills work great when taken 40-45 minutes before drinking alcohol. Staying hydrated is another method.
Here are 5 ways to ease hangover-
- Hydrated- Staying hydrated is the key. As alcohol is a diuretic fluid, it makes the body get rid of water. As the body uses most of the water in the synthesis of alcohol, not much water is left. This absence of water causes hangover. Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water reduces effect of hangover. People must also take note that if they are going to bed inebriated, they must drink at least 200 Ml of water before sleeping. This intake of water would make sure that the body has minimum amounts of water level in the body.
- Medicines- There are many medicines available in the market. These medicines suppress the effects of hangover and provide relief. Anti hangover pills can be divided into two parts-
- Taken before the drinks- These types of medicines is the best way to combat hangover. Taking a pill at least 40-45 minutes prior to having drinks is advisable. These pills must be taken in an empty stomach to maximize their effect.
- Taken during hangover- Hangover treatment isn’t well endorsed by such medicines. These medicines are pain relievers that relieve the person from headache and nausea.
- Sports Drinks- Our body synthesizes alcohol with the help of electrolytes. The balance of electrolytes in our body is essential for the normal functioning of our organs. As alcohol is synthesized by our body, electrolytes are used up. These electrolytes must be replenished. Sports drinks such as Gatorade have electrolytes. They help combat hangover by replenishing the body.
- Smart Drinking- Drinking a diluted drink is always advisable. This increases the water content in the body and decreases the alcohol level. As the body receives more water and less alcohol, less body fluid is used in the synthesis of alcohol. Also, eating crispy and greasy food items while drinking is also advisable as it helps in breakdown of alcohol.
- Not Drinking- Not drinking is probably the only way to not experience a hangover. However, it is always not possible to say no.