According to (World Health Organization) acupuncture is Alternative Therapy effective for the treatment of 28 conditions, while evidence suggests that it may be an effective therapeutic value for many more. People with headaches and / or tension head
There are strict criterion for deciding which patient is apt candidate for diabetes surgery or metabolic surgery. The major criterion are 1. Se insulin levels 2. Se c peptide 3. Se anti gad ab 4. Glycosylatd hb
It is well known that obesity is associated with the major components of the metabolic syndrome, such as insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and Type 2 Diabetes
Back Pain occurs particularly during exercise, especially when we are just beginning a workout program. Back muscle strain occurs through overexertion and when we do not warm up properly before working out. Weak and s
Risk of diabetes is a big factor that is developing in your body which is prominent precedence to be check out and make yourself free from diabetes. Diabetes can cause by low blood sugar or glucose, insulin levels which don’t produce or cannot use
Meal Frequency Food Volume and Meal Pacing Adequate Fluid Intake Consumption of Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains Adequate Protein Intake Avoidance of Sweets Vitamin/Mineral Supplements Regular Attendance at Support Group Meetings C
Kiran IVF Genetic is the most successful clinic in India offering Infertility Treatments and Surrogacy Program with continuous availability of Surrogates for couples who are unable to achieve pregnancy through conventional treatments.
Skeletal muscle tissue is tightly regulated throughout our bodies by balancing its synthesis and breakdown. Many factors are known to exist that cause profound c
Internet & Mobile may be proven best and effective tools for diabetes awareness in future. but before launching any awareness programme; we should understand the mentality about target generation, We have to plan accordingly after analysing the appro
I will say “Back Pain” and I am absolutely certain that your reaction will be” I know about it….. Through personal experience obviously!” The truth is back pain, like tooth decay and the common cold, is an affliction that affects a substantial propor
Over the years, I've heard from people that they're very busy and that when they'll get done with whatever that they're doing whether after some weeks or months or even years then they'll start or get back into exercising. This topic is to sh
Hi Friends, We all are using fitness accessories and machines to maintain fitness level. Kindly share your experience what type of fitness equipment you are using and how.