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What is Throat Infection?

Throat infection is a bacterial disease that causes inflammation in the throat. Because of this, there is also difficulty in swallowing any food item. The severity of throat infection can vary from person to person. Some people also feel throat pain and fever when they have a throat infection. Sometimes a throat infection is also caused by a change in weather. Infections can also occur due to drinking cold water, any allergies and Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. Further know how common it is to have a throat infection? What are the causes and symptoms of throat infection

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The disease of stones is very painful. The person who suffers from appendicitis gets a lot of stone pain due to slight disturbance in the food. Many times such a person also has to take a pen killer. But if we adopt some home remedies, we can get rid of this problem to a great extent. Let's know which are those solutions - If there is stones, one should drink as much water as possible. By drinking more water, the kidney becomes more and more clean, due to which the fear of stone pain is very less. After eating one or two leaves of stone plant on an empty stomach every morning, the stone slowly starts coming out through urine. Drinking lemonade daily in the case of stone problem, the stone slowly dissolves and starts coming out. Drinking a little bit of Kalmi Chopra in soda water also causes the stone to slowly dissolve and come out. The patient of appendicitis must drink a little water in between while eating. Doing this does not cause stone pain. In this way, by taking small home remedies, we can get rid of stone problem. But the doctor's advice must be taken in case of severe pain.

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Hair loss before age?

With time, physical changes in human beings come. After an age, wrinkles begin to appear on his face, he also begins to feel physical weakness, hair starts turning white and even falls. It is that stage of age when in a short time the hair falls so low that a person becomes bald. But if hair loss happens before age?

Big problem

Yes ... this problem is with many people nowadays. Now, blame it for lack of nutritious food or pollution, but in the end it is the person who is the victim of baldness. For him, the reason for this baldness is many times more concern that now how to overcome it.

Treatment is difficult

Because this baldness is such that once the hair goes away, then despite all the efforts, it does not come back. People get lakhs and crores of rupees, they eat expensive medicines but in the end they feel disappointed.

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Hair loss before age?

With time, physical changes in human beings come. After an age, wrinkles begin to appear on his face, he also begins to feel physical weakness, hair starts turning white and even falls. It is that stage of age when in a short time the hair falls so low that a person becomes bald. But if hair loss happens before age?

Big problem

Yes ... this problem is with many people nowadays. Now, blame it for lack of nutritious food or pollution, but in the end it is the person who is the victim of baldness. For him, the reason for this baldness is many times more concern that now how to overcome it.

Treatment is difficult

Because this baldness is such that once the hair goes away, then despite all the efforts, it does not come back. People get lakhs and crores of rupees, they eat expensive medicines but in the end they feel disappointed.

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Symptoms of Pemphigus

Pemphigus is mainly of two types and the symptoms depend on which pemphigus you have.

Pemphigus vulgaris- This is the most common pemphigus. It affects the moist parts of your body such as the mouth and genitals. Adults between the ages of 30 and 60 are more at risk.

Its symptoms include-

First mouth blisters, the upper layer of which comes out easily.
Blisters make it difficult for you to chew or eat something.
Blisters / blisters can come out of your mouth after the mouth.
There is a lot of pain in it, but itching does not occur.

Pemphigus foliaceus- These are papular blisters / blisters. Symptoms include:

It usually occurs on the chest, back and shoulders.
There is no pain, but itching.

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Following are the main functions of kidney:

1. Blood purification

Kidney is continuously employed and excretes unnecessary toxic substances formed in the body through urine.

2. Discharge of waste products

The most important function of the kidney is to purify the blood by removing waste products. The food we take contains protein. This protein is essential for keeping the body healthy and for the development of the body. Protein is used by the body but in this process some waste material is produced. The accumulation of these waste materials is similar to maintaining poison inside our body. Our kidneys filter and purify toxic waste products from the blood. These toxins eventually dissipate with urine.

Creatinine and urea are two important waste products. Observations of their volume in the blood indicate kidney function. When both kidneys are impaired, the amount of creatinine and urea are elevated to a higher level in the blood test.

3. Balance of water in the body

The kidneys excrete excess water by passing urine keeping the amount of water required for the body.

When the kidneys go bad, they lose the ability to exclude this excess water from the body, causing the body to swell due to the accumulation of excess water.

4. Balance of acid and alkali

Kidney works by keeping the amount of sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, phosphorus, bicarbonate, etc. in the body unchanged. The above substances are responsible for the amount of acid and alkali in the body. Increasing or decreasing the amount of sodium can have serious effects on the brain and heart and muscle activity by increasing or decreasing the amount of potassium.

Keeping calcium and phosphorus appropriate and keeping their levels normal is essential for healthy bones and healthy teeth in our body.

5. Blood pressure control

Kidney makes many hormones such as angiotensin, aldosterone, prostaglandin etc. With the help of these hormones, the body maintains a balance of water, acids and alkalis. With the help of this balance, the kidneys work to maintain normal blood pressure in the body. In case of kidney failure, production of hormones and disturbances in salt and water balance leads to high blood pressure.

6. Assist in the production of blood particles

Red blood vessels present in the blood are produced in the bone marrow with the help of erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is made in the kidney. In the event of kidney failure, this substance stops producing little or no at all, which reduces the production of red blood cells and causes blood fade, which is called anemia (anemia). it is said.

7. Strengthening bones

To maintain healthy bones, the kidney converts vitamin D into an active form that is necessary for the absorption of calcium from food, the growth of bones and teeth, and to keep bones strong and healthy.

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Benefits of doing aerobic exercise

Like every exercise, doing aerobic exercise also has many benefits. Its variety helps you stay fit. Know its benefits

  • Aerobic exercise burns more calories.
    Body fat decreases.
    Heart remains healthy and fit.
    Good HDL cholesterol increases in the body and toxic LDL cholesterol is low.
    Blood circulation is done properly by doing aerobic exercise. Toxic substances are released from this body.
    Type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart diseases can be avoided by daily aerobic exercise.
    Aerobic exercise increases the immunity of the body.

Lose weight

Aerobic exercise is necessary to reduce fat. Aerobic also helps improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of heart diseases. In terms of fitness, it helps to burn belly fat.

Healthy mind

Doing aerobic is not only beneficial for your physical health, but it is also a very effective exercise for your brain. If your mood is bad or you get angry, then aerobics is a good option for you.

For energy

Some people you may have seen that they get tired of doing a little work. They must do aerobic exercise. This exercise protects the brain cells from damage and helps in better supply of oxygen, which makes you feel refreshed.

Body strength

Doing aerobic exercise makes the hips and waist strong. By doing this you can expect to improve strength, stamina, endurance, concentration and reduce stress.

Best aerobic exercise for fitness - Aerobic Exercises For Fitness

If you do 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, it can change your life. Especially when you are struggling with obesity, heart disease or sugar disease then these aerobic exercises are no less than a boon for you. Let's know about the 15 best aerobic exercises that help make the body completely healthy.

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How to reduce stomach

Often, Lo is troubled by his abdominal fat, even after dieting, exercising, he does not get the results he expects. The biggest reason for this is that they do not know the root causes of stomach fats. On this subject, we know more about how Ishi Khosla guides. Ishi Khosla is a well known name in itself. He is a practicing clinical nutritionist, consultant and writer. You too follow their diet and health plans and always be healthy.

The main causes of stomach fats are high blood pressure, lack of good fats, excess of bad fats, high levels of triglycerides, excess of blood sugar or hereditary diabetes - also known as metabolic syndrome or syndrome X. This is not a disease, but is a combination of risk factors

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How to reduce stomach

Often, Lo is troubled by his abdominal fat, even after dieting, exercising, he does not get the results he expects. The biggest reason for this is that they do not know the root causes of stomach fats. On this subject, we know more about how Ishi Khosla guides. Ishi Khosla is a well known name in itself. He is a practicing clinical nutritionist, consultant and writer. You too follow their diet and health plans and always be healthy.

The main causes of stomach fats are high blood pressure, lack of good fats, excess of bad fats, high levels of triglycerides, excess of blood sugar or hereditary diabetes - also known as metabolic syndrome or syndrome X. This is not a disease, but is a combination of risk factors

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Bamboo jam is the most effective home recipe for increasing the length. The way the bamboo plant grows, similarly the length of the children increases. Bamboo has many medicinal properties such as protein, vitamins A, E, B-6, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, potassium and phosphorus. In addition, many types of amino acids are found.

Old and thick bamboo bales have a white crystal-like substance, which is called Vanshlochan. Vashlochan is a natural calcium which is very important for increasing the length of children.

Bamboo is used to increase body length. Due to the high amount of calcium in bamboo, bones are strengthened. By consuming bamboo marmalade for a few months, the physical growth and length of children increase very fast. Give the amount of marmalade according to age to children in the morning and evening.

Bamboo jam is available from every grocer's shop. You can also buy it online. Bamboo jam made in honey is also considered beneficial.

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Bamboo jam is the most effective home recipe for increasing the length. The way the bamboo plant grows, similarly the length of the children increases. Bamboo has many medicinal properties such as protein, vitamins A, E, B-6, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, potassium and phosphorus. In addition, many types of amino acids are found.

Old and thick bamboo bales have a white crystal-like substance, which is called Vanshlochan. Vashlochan is a natural calcium which is very important for increasing the length of children.

Bamboo is used to increase body length. Due to the high amount of calcium in bamboo, bones are strengthened. By consuming bamboo marmalade for a few months, the physical growth and length of children increase very fast. Give the amount of marmalade according to age to children in the morning and evening.

Bamboo jam is available from every grocer's shop. You can also buy it online. Bamboo jam made in honey is also considered beneficial.

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