29th June was observed across the globe as World Scoliosis Day to increase the level of awareness and highlight the importance of treatment of the disease.
Affecting 2-3 percent of the entire US population, scoliosis, or a spinal curve, is one of those medical conditions whose etiology is yet to be understood completely.
Often, due to lack of awareness and information surrounding scoliosis, people tend to ignore the symptom and sometimes even the treatment options.
According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, of every 1,000 children, 3 to 5 develop spinal curves that are considered to be medical condition (i.e. scoliosis) which require treatment. If not treated properly, scoliosis could lead to other complications linked with unnaturally curved spines.
“Scoliosis often goes unnoticed and untreated, if at all patient report the disease, they do at quite advanced stage, and this is all because of ignorance around the disease. It is unfortunate that despite having advanced treatment modalities, including surgical options effective enough to properly treat the disorder, people hardly recognize scoliosis as a treatable disorder. Most of the time, it is assumed as a part of physiology or is linked with postural issues. This not just worsens the disease itself but also affects internal organs, if not treated timely,” says Dr. Bipin Walia, Director Neurosurgery and Head Spine Surgery at Max Super speciality Hospital, Saket, New Delhi.
Experts explain scoliosis as a disorder that causes an abnormal curve of the spine, or backbone. While a typical spine is straight when viewed from the back, in case of scoliosis the spine can curve in one of three ways -a single curve to the left (shaped like the letter C), called levoscoliosis, a single curve to the right (shaped like a backward letter C), called dextroscoliosis, and two curves (shaped like the letter S).
As far as treatment of scoliosis is concerned, patients nearing skeletal maturity with comparatively lesser degree of abnormal curvature usually do not require any treatment. However, in case of younger patients with significant curve who are yet to grow, it is quite likely that they continue to develop further curve and therefore require treatment. In such cases, where scoliosis is left untreated, it can progress to a stage where it limits the space in the ribcage. This space is vital for the heart and lung to function normally. A diminished space for lungs and heart might lead to respiratory problems and cardiovascular problems.
Exercise or physiotherapy has proved to be of little help in scoliosis management, even if it the case of mild curve. Experts point out that though no particular exercise has been found to reduce or prevent scoliosis, it is still very important for scoliosis patients to keep their back muscles strong and flexible. For mild scoliosis, treatment options primarily include back braces, while for higher degree of curvatures, surgery is the best solution.
Explains Dr. Walia, “In surgical options, spinal fusion is specifically recommended for severe curves that are greater than 45 degrees and for curves that have not responded to non-surgical intervention like braces. Spinal fusion involves placing graft material between the affected bones in the spine to fuse, or join them together.”
During this type of surgery, the surgeon attaches a metal rod to each side of the patient's spine by using hooks or screws attached to the vertebral bodies. Then the surgeon fuses the spine with a piece of bone - a bone graft.
The bone grows in between the vertebrae and holds them together and straight. This process is called spinal fusion. The metal rods attached to the spine ensure that the backbone remains straight while the spinal fusion takes place.
“With recent advances in technology, patients are sometimes released from the hospital within a week of the surgery and do not require post-operative bracing. Many patients are able to return to school or work in 2 to 4 weeks after the surgery. Many are able to resume all pre-operative activities within 4 to 6 months,” says Dr. Bipin Walia.
World Scoliosis Day is an excellent opportunity to spread awareness about the disease as well as to focus attention on advanced treatment modalities which possess the potential of rooting out the problem effectively.
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