It is considered normal to have some fat on the stomach. It is said that if it is in a certain amount on the waist and abdomen, then it protects our bones like a cushion. Also, the internal organs of the body are able to function well. At the same time, if this fat is more than sure, then many diseases can be faced. Here we will tell you about the major causes of excess fat on the stomach.
According to research by scientists, some fat cells in the body grow genetically. If someone's family is suffering from this problem, then the coming generation also fears this problem.
Weak digestive system
As we age, our digestive system also begins to weaken. It is also a cause of increased abdominal fat. It is generally seen that in this case, women are more victims than men. Problems such as thyroid and sugar also surround the body due to poor digestive system.
Hormone changes
Usually, women face hormonal changes. When she has reached the middle of her life (around 40), the fat increases faster than the weight of the body. At the same time, estrogen hormone levels are low and androgen hormone levels are high during menopause. This is why there is excess fat around the waist
Stressed person is surrounded by many diseases one after the other. Increase in body fat is also one of them. When we are under stress, the level of cortisol in the blood increases. Cortisol increases body fat levels, making fat cells larger. In this condition, fat usually grows around the stomach.
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