
  • What is the Top 5 yoga asanas for beginners?

    The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and it means "union". The ultimate aim of Yoga is to achieve this union with the self, consciousness and the supreme power of the universe. It has been practiced in India since its origins. In fact it was initially a spiritual practice that combined physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation to get in touch with God. Yoga has evolved over time and now it is considered a great way to gain strength and flexibility, improve balance and promote well being.

    Yoga benefits vary depending on the style of yoga you choose to practice. Some styles focus on strengthening your body while others focus on relieving stress or improving flexibility. No matter what type of yoga you choose, practicing yoga will help you become stronger and more flexible. It also allows you to relax, breathe deeply and meditate which can help manage stress levels.

    The Top 5 Yoga Asanas for Beginners are:

    1) Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

    2) Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

    3) Natarajasana (Dancer's Pose)

    4) Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

    5) Shavasana

    If you want to learn more about yoga I would suggest you to visit Arhanta yoga, Arhanta yoga is one of the best place in the world. For more information you can visit their website

  • 1. Standing asanas (Utistha Sthithi)
    2. Sitting asanas (Upavistha) stithi
    3. Forward extension (paschima pratana)
    4. Lateral extension (parivarta)
    5. Backward extension

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