The nose is the most important feature of the face. With Facial Feminization Rhinoplasty Surgery, the refinement of the nose can be done that make a significant improvement to their appearance by making the eyes seem larger and it also helps to emphasize the cheeks and help one achieve an enhanced and desired look. Rhinoplasty is an important part of facial feminization surgery, and the best approach is to simultaneously perform rhinoplasty and other facial feminization procedures so that the proper height and width of the nose, the angle between nose and forehead, and the ratio of the length of the upper lips and the amount of tooth visibility can be achieved as expected in a feminine facial profile. Dr. Parag Telang is an expert in performing rhinoplasty surgery at his clinic, Designer Bodyz, Mumbai (India). To know more about rhinoplasty cost in India, meet expert rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. Parga Telang at, Designer Bodyz. For more information, contact now.

*Disclaimer- The images and content used in this post, are for information purposes only

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  • The cost of rhinoplasty is what it is for a reason. Several determining factors go into setting this price. So we asked Dr. Rajat Gupta to share some of his board-certified knowledge with us regarding the cost of rhinoplasty., as an expert in his field, he has a thorough understanding of both the procedure and the market.

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